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I pull back my bow and squint my eyes, trying to get a good look at where to aim. Kongar...he was about to stab Osman, but Konur stops him and holds his stance. I see a slight twitch on Kongar's arm and sees he will be able to get Konur. THAT IS NOT HAPPENING!

I am about to shoot at Kongar's neck but remember about Goktug. We can still revive him. Instead I shoot my arrow at the part of his wrist where armor covers him. It will disarm him, but no real harm done to him.

The arrow flies, and everyone looks up in alarm. They wonder where the arrow came from when I walk down into the valley. I see Yusuf looking around suspiciously. Thank you Karim, I think, my brother is safe. Yusuf notices me and his eyes widen. "Abla?!?!?!? ABLA!!!!! Çok şükür!" I smile back at him as I drop my arrows and bow to the ground. I unsheathe my sword and walk into the middle of the battlefield, when Konur catches my eye.

He looks at me with a relieved smile and a thank you on his face. I nod my head at him, and with that, the battle resumes. Konur keeps Kongar busy, not wanting Goktug to kill any other innocent Turks and feel guilty about it. I, meanwhile, slice through the mongols. I come back to back with Yusuf, and he smirks at me.

"Where have you been to get this good at fighting?"

I laugh and reply,

"A friend helped."


After a while, mongols are finished, but Balgay has somehow escaped. Like always. The bodies of the mongols are separated and thrown into the woods for the crows to feed on. The martyred Alps are placed on stretchers and covered with the flag of Kayi. I wipe my sword on the ground and re-sheathe it. Yusuf runs into me, and I accept his hug, embracing the smell of home that lays on his clothes.

"Abla, you had us worried!!! Osman Bey set out searching alps but they came back defeated. When we saw the tracks of blood- when we saw them...Oh thank goodness your well!" I laugh and hold him tight.

Meanwhile, Konur holds onto Kongar. Kongar spits at him, but he just wipes it away. "What happened to you, kardeşim??" I walk towards them and say, "They re-brainwashed him. The only way to get him back is with a distant memory that he keeps locked in the back of his brain."

"Kanatları nolu kırılması.." Konur starts singing, and I recognize it as a Turkish lullaby. Soon Kongar and Konur start crying into each other's arms and I back away, giving them their  brother time. Two pairs of siblings have reunited today.


We are about to head back to the tribe when Konur comes by me. I am standing behind a few trees, appropriately away from all the men. Yusuf left a while ago to mourn for his friends.

"Zeynep..." I smile at Konur. "I hope you didn't forget me when I was away." He laughs and looks into my eyes. I stare right back into his pale blue ones and think about how I forgot them this past week. My heart flutters, and I know I am where I am supposed to be.

"How could I ever forget you, Zeynep? I was one of the ones worried about your disappearance, you know that?!?!" I giggle and he continues, his hand nervously clutching his sword. "I went out with the search alps in hope of finding you. I've realized something. When you're not here, when I thought you died. I couldn't handle it." My eyes widen as I think of what he would say next.

"I need you here, by my side. I love you Zeynep Hatun. Will you stay with me, fight alongside me, and agree with all me statements? Will you become the sister for my brother, the mother for my children? Zeynep, will you marry me?"

I clasp my hands and smile. A big wide smile that shows what comes out of my mouth next.


OMG GUYS!!!! They are engaged!!! You were asking for Konur to say smth like Amir, and he did! I'm super happy for them ❤️❤️

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