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"Why are you here Amir??" I look around and see no one around. It is still morning, and the bustling of the crowds haven't started yet. "I thought that the Devlet Savaşları was a secret."

He looks at me with a boyish smirk. "Everyone has secrets Zeynep. I will give some documents to Bamsi Bey." I nod my head, accepting that as an answer when a question comes to mind. "Then what was the point in calling me here. There would be less suspicion if you just went straight to Bamsi Bey'm without talking to me!"

I hope this wasn't what I was thinking it was, but alas, obviously my prayer weren't answered.

"I wanted to talk to you Zeynep. I really miss having you around. We never got to end our discussion, and I wanted to ask you something." I raise my eyebrows. Go on Amir, I think, say it. What do you want to say?

He reads my mind and starts to speak up. "The day I saw you I felt a co—" He looks straight behind me as I feel a breath hovering near my neck. I turn around to see my fiancé. "What are you—" he interrupts me with a stern glance. "Who is he?"

"Oh is this your brother, Zeynep?!?! Hi I am Amir." I stifle a giggle. After explaining to Konur and Amir about who is who, and promising to fill Konur in about what happened when I was away, I see Konur's face lightened up, while Amir's fell. Konur leaves to participate in Alp training, now trusting me with this man I think of as a brother. As soon as Konur leaves, Amir takes my arm and steers out path, making it so we are walking away from the people coming out of their tents.

I pull my arm from Amir's grasp but let him to the taking. "Zeynep. Listen. This dude, Konur Alp, he seems pretty stern and scary. I get that you were probably forced into marrying him." I am about to protest that no, I wasn't forced to marry him, but Amir just keeps talking.

"If you agree, I can save you from here tonight, then we ca live around the woods together. You can marry me and we can have children. Little Amirs and little Zeyneps. How bout it?"

By then we were out of the tribe, heading into a plain behind the marquee. I look at him directly in the eye. I glare my fiercest glare, and talk in my meanest voice. "NO!!!!! I LOVE KONUR AND I GENUINELY WANT TO MARRY HIM! YOU OR ANYONE ELSE CANNOT STOP US AND I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE WITH YOU! GET YOUR STINKIN' FACE OUT OF MY TRIBE AND NEVER EVER EVER COME BACK!" With that I turn around with a huff, and stomp my way back into the tribe.

Never will anybody try to break up ZeyKon. Ever.

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