Taking the Castle

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Konur came up to me last night. He said it was time for revenge. Time for revenge or time for martyrdom.

"Zeynep.." I turned as I heard his voice. I was on the pathway heading to my çadır. He was on the other side of the bridge, standing, watching. I started walking towards him, and him towards me. We met in the middle of the bridge, where the moon shone on our heads. The crickets echoed in the silence, and he took my hand in his. "Konur?" I asked, clearly knowing something was up. He looks down at my hand, then back up again at my face. "We are going to kill Balgay." I gasped, knowing what a dangerous mission awaited. "I am going to take revenge for the long time I was without a brother. I am sorry Zeynep. InshaAllah we will all return well and celebrate the mongol scum's death will our wedding." And with that, he pulled away. To his own tent where his alp brothers sat, planning for vengeance.

It was late morning now, and they were long gone. I wait with Bala Hatun in the marquee. Selcan Hatun looks at our furrowed brows and laughs. "InshaAllah, they will return safe and sound. I know exactly how it was to be a Alp's wife. And a mother."

Selcan Hatun's son, Suleyman, was martyred by Beybolat, Ertugrul Ghazi's brother in law. Gondogdu Bey was killed in a war, fighting for the Seljuks.

We wait and wait. We cut and cook meat while waiting. We weave the yarn while waiting. Finally after hours and hours, the drums beat.

The first thing I noticed as the horse riders came into view was that Bamsi Bey trotted in the front. Usually it was always Osman Bey, as he was the pride of Ertugrul Ghazi and the leader. Behind Bamsi were Konur and Goktug. I sighed with relief. Bala and Gonca's eyes moved all over, searching for their loves. And then we saw it. Behind the alps was Boran frantically leading Karayell to the healing tent. Selcan and Bala screamed, and ran. "Osman Bey!!!" I quickly followed behind.


It past an hour, and everybody was relentlessly waiting outside the healing tent. Gunduz paced around, stroking his beard. Konur clutched my hand tightly, afraid of what could happen to his Bey.

Finally Selcan came out.

She looked around sorrowfully and tried to speak. "Yenge, please tell me. Is Osman okay?" Gunduz was tearing up at her reaction. She gulped and finally spoke up. "I am s-sorry Gunduz. I tried my best. H-he isn't with us anymore."

Havoc broke out. People fell to the floor and screamed. I teared up, and ran to my mother, tightly holding on to her. All the closest people to Osman were ushered in the tent, and the rest of us went to our own tents, ready to read Surah Yasin.


Yusuf left with Gunduz and Bamsi Bey. No one knew where they were going, but my baba said that crazy things happen while mourning. All we could do was hope that they were safe.

Later the next morning, drums beat. I rushed outside, hoping to see my Yusuf and Konur all safe. Instead one alp alone rode back in. He went to Selcan Hatun at the front and gave her the news. All the people gathered, curious. She smiled a huge grin and raised her arms up to the air. "Shukur ya rabb. OSMAN BEY HAS SECURED THE KULUCAHISAR CASTLE! It is now in our hands."

I gasped at the fact the castle was taken so easily. But what I was more surprised about, was that Osman Bey did it. He was dead, wasn't he?

Answering my question, Selcan Hatun told the story of Osman's secret plan to trick Sofia and the others. What mattered most was that the castle was ours and the troubles were finally over.

I will upload the next chapter later today. Please be patient while waiting for Zeynep and Konur to come together!!!

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