27. Diamonds

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"I want that one." Draco was only 8 years old when he picked Hermione. He should have known it wouldn't be that easy.


This book was recommended by: LordObviousOfDuh

Their review:

There was a wizarding law established hundreds of years ago that made it where purebloods have to marry a halfblood or muggleborn. Cuz if pureblood only married purebloods then the magic species would die out. Everyone is assigned a fiance. Except for the Malfoys. Their very high status and wealth gave them the choice. Narcissa is astonished when Draco chooses one small, bookish and true to herself muggleborn.

Very lighthearted and fun. Seriously go read it

Stats: completed

Chapters: 20

Author: buckied

(This is a AU - Marriage Law, Modern Wizarding World c. 1990)

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