1. Office Scandal.

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Hermione Granger is happy working in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. That is until she gets a new co-worker that makes the job a million times more difficult, with his flirty attitude and temper.

The office was once a boring place but now its turned upside down with Hermione's nagging and Draco's tantrums. Will the spoilt Malfoy ever win Hermione over?


This book is hands down hilarious. I couldn't have laughed more in my life. I actually read this about 3 times, yes, I read the book three times... I absolutely loved it and I think you all will too.

Author: TiddleMyMiddle 

Warning: Sexual references and scenes throughout this book.

Book stats: Incomplete

*That's the only bad thing about this damn book, it left off on a huuuuuuuuge cliff hanger, I cried... That's how huge it was and the Author didn't continue... But sucks to suck.*

Edit: So this book is being re-born again :DD I'll tag both authors here. Tysm for doing so uwu


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