38. Fake Love

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"I want Astoria back, you want Weasel back - for some unknown reason. They'll come crawling back on their hands and knees. Simple, really.""Are you proposing we fake date?" I asked, incredulously. He smirked, "Oh Granger, that's exactly what I am proposing."---Takes place eighth year and they all come back to Hogwarts. Voldemort is dead, however everyone who died in the war is alive.


Reccomended by: obssesedwithATLA1919

Their review: 

Fake Love is sooo good

Hermione and Draco fake date and eventually actually like each other, it is very cute and lighthearted, no smut, and no heavy topics. Very adorable and well written

Stats: completed

Chapters: 36 

Author: _Justa_fangirl_

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