29. The Promise

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Draco's eyes blazed with anger, "I fulfilled my promise. Theo made me swear to look after you and I did that."
Hermione stood her ground, watching the enraged man curiously, her own anger reaching it's high.
Closing the distance between them, he sneered accusingly, "I did it so well that you want to go fuck someone else."Bringing her hand across, Hermione slapped Draco with all her might.
Even in the dimly lit room, her hand print was clearly visible on his pale face.He licked his bottom lip tasting blood.
Her fire had returned.
Draco firmly pulled Hermione against his body and kissed her, his lips molding perfectly to hers.
Forgive me Theo....


Recommended by: Re_aaa

Their review: You guys have to read "the promise" it's about how theo and hermione ended up together but theo ends up in a hospital(dead) and the only person who can comfort hermonie is draco, they end up dating and there are so many twist and turns, also, so muchhhhh smutttttt, it's my favorite book rn and I totally recommend

Chapters: 44

Author: SamadiW

(This book is rated mature by the author, and also from the review I see that there is a lot of smut, so beware.)

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