37. The Dark Side

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The Battle of Hogwarts is over, and Voldemort no longer endangers the Golden Trio. Hermione knew that everything would change drastically after the war, however when she returns to Hogwarts with the second chance of her seventh year, her life turns upside down with a new love interest. Will their relationship withstand the problems that are undoubtedly crashing down on them?However, her twisted love triangle is the least of her problems. Even though the Dark Lord has gone, forces from the dark side still linger and threaten everyone Hermione loves.


Recommended by: slytherin_mal

Their review: LOVE THIS BOOKKKKKKKK OMGGG. It's a seventh year love story, Draco and Hermione are chosen and head boy and girl. In this story they have to share a dormitory together so they get close. One night Draco is having a nightmare from the war and she runs in trying to wake him and she cant so she KISSES HIM and thats where it all sparks from. The romance is there and you can just tell. This was the first dramiome story I ever read and I have reread three times.

Plot: 9.5/10Writing 9/10Status: Unfinished(It won't ever be finished unfortunately the author hasn't updated in two years. Read if you like for the very good plot, but it hurts that she hasnt updated in a bit)Triggers: There are some mentions of nightmares and in the later bits of the story there was a flashback of Hermione almost being assaulted by an older student.There isn't a mature rating on this book meaning there is no sexual scenes or rude language :)

Stats: ongoing (not going to be finished)

Chapters: Edited: 46 Unedited: 43

Author:  crf888

(There are two versions, the edited and the unedited. If we're talking about the unedited then it has fewer chapters then the edited, just a heads up.)

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