19. Post Traumatic

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A Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger fan fiction.

After a sour break up with her boyfriend Ron, Hermione Granger is left as an outcast from all of her friends. Alone, she works long hours as a Healer at St. Mungos, and comes home to silence and emptiness. Her life has become a steady timeline of work, sleep, repeat - a systematic rut that leaves her bored and lonely. That is until, a patient changes her world, and helps her escape the cycle that controls her life. This patient is Draco Malfoy.


Now, thanks to ravenclawholland for recommending this book to me. It HAS made it on to my list but I would like to pin point some things.

This book for one, has a cliche story line, yes. Like all Dramione's do. But I would like to say that they really did capture the parts well. There are some points in the story which got me gripping the edge of my seat. Sadly the book is NOT completed but that didn't stop me from liking the book.

I think overall this book is a good filler book, it's not extravagant like most dramione's but It's well done and written. They did capture some of Draco's personality but sometimes it doesn't add  up. 

I thoroughly enjoyed this book though.

Author: simplyindie



(Im reading some books that you guys have recommended, stay safe everyone.)

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