Burning Desire

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Flare was in a small park downtown thinking to herself about how to continue her life. She loved this place. Her family was here, her interests were here, and she was starting to develop feelings towards Shade and his family. But she was scared to not lose it all again since she had the rainbow shard.

She decided to go to the only person that was close to her right now for advice her aunt. So she ran across the street to the library, opened the door, looked for her aunt, and gave her a hug.

Verdy: Hello kiddo, what a pleasant surprise. How are you today?

Flare: Hello auntie I'm doing great thank you! Mind If I ask you for some advice?

Verdy: Sure! How can old auntie help you? *4th wall break* Writer: rest in peace Vol'Jin *End 4th wall break*

Flare: Well you see I am at a crossroad right now with my life. What did you do when you first met up with someone you like?

Verdy: Who is the lucky pokemon?

Flare: You know the head family of the village right?

Verdy: So that is how you got in the village, you passed their trial.

Flare: Yes.

Verdy: Well the way I met with my partner before he died, was when I first started going to the library with your grandmother before she died, she used to run it, I was just an Eevee back then and there was this other Eevee that used to look at me all the time across the street where he lived. He invited me one day to the park and made the first move. The feelings were mutual so everything worked out. The advice I can give you is just to open up a conversation you are interested in if the feelings are mutual it will work itself out.

Flare: Thank you but I have another problem.


Flare: The rainbow shard you were talking about... I found where my father had hidden it. It fused with me, and now I'm scared that the same people that destroyed my village are going to eventually find out about me and come here as well.

Verdy: Everyone else that touched it didn't fuse with it that is strange. Someone would have found you already regardless, even if you leave they would still try going for the places where you once were, but I'm sure if you talk to Shade he would understand. Don't worry you have friends, and you have me we won't go down without a fight.

Flare: Thank you for everything.

They hug themselves tightly before Flare walks out.

*Shades POV*

Cyra: So bro, are you going to try your chances with Flare today? We can try making that love potion thing Espeon was reading about.

Shade: I am actually but don't try that, please.

Cyra: Alright good luck.

Shade: Thank you cya around.

And he went off to search for Flare. After around 10 minutes of walking around town, he was able to find her reading a book in the park.

Shade: Hello Flare.

Flare: Hey what's up.

Shade: How has your day been?

Flare: Bright and Sunny.

Shade: Glad to hear! You really like this place, don't you? I have seen you here most often.

Flare: Yes. It has become my favorite place. It is the first time I could feel so Chill in a long time.

Shade: I'm glad you like it. I know this might be sudden but... do you want to have a picnic with me here tonight?

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