A Spark Of Joy

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*4th Wall*

Flare: *eating her pizza in the background reading the chat* Still no friends damn well I'm going to continue with my story anyway.

Writer: Don't worry someone will join us eventually I believe :).

Flare: Maybe. I hope :(.

*End of 4th Wall*

After a while of walking, Flare managed to spot the town library and decided to check it out. When Flare reached the entrance, she saw an old Vaporeon covered with an old cloak sitting on a chair next to a desk right at the entrance's doors.

Vaporeon: Hello there little one, I haven't seen you before. You look familiar in a way. What leads you to the town's library.

Flare: Hello my name is Flare. You look familiar to me as well. I came to check on a book if you have it.

Vaporeon: You are from NovaVill right?

Flare: Are you the same Vaporeon that was friends with my mother and father?

Vaporeon: You were so young when I last came to visit. I'm happy you remember me. I heard what happened. I'm sorry for your loss. What you are looking for can't be found here, but I might be able to tell you some stories you may find interesting.

Flare: Your name was Verdy right? I'm listening.

Verdy: Long ago before your village was even created a shard of pure energy fell from the sky and landed on a plains field around 4-5km away from here. Pokemon from different types gathered around to see what had happened. What they saw was a small crater made from the thing that felt. It was some kind of sparkling rainbow shard made of pure energy. No one had any idea where it was from or why did it fall there, but they knew it was valuable, and it had to be defended from falling in the wrong hands. So the pokemon there organized a tournament. Whoever was the strongest of every type that one would defend the shard. The pokemon split into groups of their typing and had 2 days to choose who will be representing each one. After 2 days the pokemon gathered to watch the battle that was about to take place. Every type sent out their best representative but what impressed everyone the most was that the fire type send out a Flareon. Now that it was clear which will be the pokemon for the battle royal of every type they decided to start with no warning whatsoever. It was a fears battle but in the end, the Flareon surprised everyone with its unique technics and ended up being victorious. No one had seen abilities used in such a way this Flareon was special so everyone agreed on the fire type to be the defending type of the shard. After the battle was over the Flareon ordered a team of building pokemon to start work on the buildings for the village while he lent to take a closer inspection of the shard.

Flareon: Whatever this is, the power it is radiating is insane.

After a few months passed the village was finally starting to get along. The Flareon made a secret passage under the house that was made for his family and hid the shard there.

Vaporeon: The news about this new village spread to my mother's ears fast, so she decided to go check it out. And that is when she met your grandfather. They fell in love, so they married, but she couldn't live with him since it was against the village's laws of having other than fire types (except children) so she had to come back here. They had made 2 children, a boy and a girl she left with the girl back to Rivenscale

and she left the boy with your grandfather. Eventually, your grandfather died, so he passed the title to his son, after a while he found a loving wife, and they made you. If you are going to ask about your grandmother, she has died. It is a long and sad story as well, but you don't need to hear it.

Flare: So you are my Ant that is why I remember you visiting us a lot! Do we have any other siblings?

Vaporeon: Unfortunately no my husband died early, so I was left all alone. We are the last of our bloodline.

Flare: Thank you for the story auntie. I'm happy to have found you I thought I was alone.

Vaporeon: Hey no problem I'm happy to see you ok after what I heard had happened in your village. If you ever need something I'm here for you.

Flare thanks her again and waves goodbye. It was getting late, so she decided to continue her exploration of the city tomorrow and go to the castle to see what they had in store for her. When she got to the castle though, she had no idea how to enter. She couldn't just scream and the entrance was a gate, so she couldn't knock as well. Good thing Jolteon was passing by.

Speed: Oh it is you, do you see that small button on the sculpture next to the gate? It activates a bell when you press it you can call someone that way.

Flare: I didn't see it thank you and sorry for earlier today.

Speed: No problem it is part of our job, I'm actually happy to see a new face around us. I can show you your room if you want.

Flare: Ok, but I saw you were going somewhere I kinda cut you off track.

Speed: Oh I was going for some milk since will be making dinner soon. Hey you are fast, aren't you? Want to help me finish this quick?

Flare: Sure.

They went together to a small wooden shack which was their storage for milk. They grabbed one bucket each and raced to the castle once they got in Speed led Flare to the dining room where they would all be gathering for dinner. Once they got in she was greeted by the other 3 members of the castle.

Umbreon: Welcome Flare you are just in time to join us for dinner, please pick a sit.

Flare: Sorry for what I did to you earlier today.

Espeon and Glaceon: It is all good we are fine now nice to see someone is finally strong enough to be a part of us.

Umbreon: A toast for our newest member Flareon.

Flare: Thank you.

Umbreon: Since we were all kind of in the moment the last time we couldn't really introduce ourselves that much so let us start over. My name is Nightshade or Shade for short.

Jolteon: My name is Speed, but we managed to exchange names last time at least.

Glaceon: Mine is Cyra.

Espeon: And mine is Parla.

Flare: Nice to meet you all my name is Flare.

And the rest of the dinner pretty much lent with them exchanging laughs and stories as they enjoyed their meal Cyra even made the milk into ice cream.

Flare: Thank you for the meal, so where can I stay for the time being?

Shade: Oh will be having film night today you can join us if you want, or I can lead you to your room.

Flare: I'm kinda sleepy sorry but enjoy your film.

Shade: No problem follow me.

So Shade lead her to her room where Flare was left alone again.

Shade: If you need anything you can call us, good night.

Flare: Goodnight friend.

The room was pretty nice she even had a bathtub and the bed was comfy, so she had no problem falling asleep fast. The next 3-4 days went not so very interesting. Flare just kept exploring the city and practiced her skills while the others did their everyday jobs. But on the 5th day was mating season. And Flare was finally opening up to feelings again.

To be continued...

Writer: Decided to do it a bit smaller this time, but I still hope you can enjoy it. Next time there might be some laying action ;) Also, I hope you like the 4th wall-breaking conversation with the chat I'm planning to do when someone actually does come in the chat.

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