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Leaving Blaze to handle the treath in the back Flare and Bob continued to run trough the forest.

Bob: That was some big explosion back there.

Flare: Ay let's hope our friend can pull trough.

*In Flares mind*

Lazuli: Looks like Blaze's friend ended up being a Cloudfox?

Flare: What is that? And that wasnt Blaze back there?

Lazuli: No, like we said earlier we have been in contact with the souls of mons that have passed away but are still attached to this world cause of unfofilled 'goals' thanks to the berserker virus.
And what we call 'Cloudfox' are one of the ancient first ever pokemon races to come to this planet.
Back when Arceus first came to this planet the only living thing on it was nature. He wanted to create life some where and this planet was the perfect opportunity. He created 2 mons with what was unhurd of before a female and male gender the ability to procreate and he split his power equaly in to both of them with the idea for them to a be a perfect match for each other a spread life aroud this new planet. We have no idea what those mons where but we belive that one of them was the ultimate combination and ancestor of all eeveelutions. For long it happend as Arceus wanted and both mons where in harmony spreading life around their new home but he had also given them something new, a life span. Eventually both mons died out but instead of moving on Arceus traped their spirit along with their power in 2 separate crystals as a symbol for all mons. Life on the planet continued to flurish, but as time went on mons started developing greed for the power of both of their ancestors crystals. most of the mons created 2 separate clans claiming a crystal respectively and over the years faught for the possetion of both. From the battle of the mons behind us we just learned that one clan was called the Cloudfox. Eventually Arceus had enough and iradicated both clans. After that he split both crystals into 18 smaller once, scathered them around the planet and created godly mons that can live infinetly with no gender to defend the planet for the remaining from something like that ever happening again. And here we are in the present.

Flare: Well damn.

*back to reality*

A sudden zap to the ground infront of them snapped Flare back to their current situation. A nother mysterious armored mon was standing inront of them. It set its arms on the ground and started summoning stone edge towards them. Both Flare and Bob dodged to the side but the stone edge straifted towards them, they dashed to the side again but it straifed towards them again. Before they knew it they where now encircled by giant blue glowing rocks.

Mysterious Figure: Gotcha. Go gem'em boys.

A flock of half transperent flying types rushed out of the trees and headed towards them.

*In Flares mind*

Shade: Can you launch an arrow up towards the sky?

Flare: Um sure.

*Back to reality*

Flare formed her fire bow and shot an arrow towards the sky and instantly started glowing, projecting a ray on the arrow it self. A half transperent Umbreon appeared on the arrow and used dark pulse on it spliting the arrow into multiple smaller once enchanced with rings from the dark pulse heading towards the stone edge instantly neutralising it freeing his friends below. While the Umbreon was still in the air he started spinning sending a flash from his rings in a circular motion, neutralising most of the flying mons before landing on the ground.

Flare: Thank you. That was very well executed and looked awsome.

Unknown Umbreon: No prob, now go.
I got this one.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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