Aaa **** here we go again

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*4th wall break*

Writer: Hello everyone I would like to start off with, Happy new year to you all I hope you had some awesome alcohol/firework evening :). And second, in this part, I would be adding something from the infamous and well known comic: The Eeveelution Squad by Pkm-150 if you haven't checked it out I highly suggest you do so I will leave it as a secret for you guys to find out what it is ;). Anyway, like always I hope you enjoy it.

*End of 4th wall break*

After Flare and Shades little fun, something bad was about to happen. A barrage of pokemon abilities started appearing in the town.

Flare: What is happening?

Shade: This is bad we are being invaded.

Flare: *Oh for fuck's sake, why now of all times*.

Shade: *It must be that team Expends she told me about, they must be after her, they must have found out about the shard, she is in no condition to do anything at the moment I need to get her out of here and fast.

On the other side of the door, Cyra shouted.

Cyra: Bro we need you an unknown enemy has appeared and are destroying everything.

Shade jumped off the bed and opened the door.

Cyra: Were you two...?

Shade: Yes, but let's not focus on that right now. Where are Parla and Speed?

Cyra: Speed is in front of the gate holding them off while Parla is leading the citizens towards the back exit.

Shade: They are here for Flare I need you to try and take her through the back of the town and save her.

Flare: This is my fault please let me help you I don't want to lose you too.

He took her and put her on Cyra's back.

Shade: It is not your fault sweetie, no one could predict it happening now, and if not now they were bound to come eventually, you are from our family now and what matters to me is saving you and all my fellow town members.

Flare: But...

She was too exhausted to say anything. She started tearing up.

Shade: I love you.

And with those words, he kissed her and ran off. Cyra started running with her on her back as well.

*In front of the gate*

Speed: How many of them are there.

A bunch of pokemon were surrounding him but a barrage of shadow balls came flying hitting most of them and creating a distance. Shade jumped down next to him

Shade: so what are we dealing with here?

Speed: a Human organization and their Pokemon. They seem to be using some kind of weapons that shoot laser beams if you get caught by it, it steals your life energy. Also, there are a lot more of them we are slowly getting outnumbered.

A shadow dashed out of one side of the forest heading with a punch straight for Shade. Shade was able to block it, but the punch sends him flying to the other side of the forest with the shadow following him.

Speed: Brother!.

Speed was about to run after them but a mysterious green bolt cut his path.

Mysterious Figure 1: I suggest you focus on your battle here.

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