New Friends

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After Flare was able to spot the Mysterious Figures near what are now the ruins of her new hometown, she rushed to warn her new friend to get away from here, but it was too late. A sudden blast cut their path and stopped them in their tracks. After the smoke from the blast cleared, it revealed a bunch of ghost-type pokemon, which are normally not ghost-type, and a fully armored pokemon standing behind them.

Flare: He is one of the mons in question that ended my friends.

Mysterious Figure: Step aside, human, our business is not with you.

Bob: Well, attacking a friend of mine out of the blue kind of made it my business.

*Inside Flares Mind*

Speed/Alan: Do you see that, bro?

Blaze: Lost spirits of pokemon, infused with Berserker souls to shape them a physical form.

Shade: Well, thanks for the inside, but we need to do something to help them, even if they manage to pass the 'the revived mons' so to speak, the mysterious mons leading them are hella strong.

Blaze: Well, they know about the virus, but they don't sim to know that we are its origin, so 2 can play that game. Flare I know you can hear us. I have a little friend I have been talking with for some time now, and since I contain the virus, I'm going to infuse my spirit with his to give him a physical form that will disconnect me from you for the time being.

Flare: Ok, but alone? Can't the rest of the family help you?

Blaze: They could, but the enemy has definitely sent a signal to the rest, and more will be coming. If we blow all our resources now, it would be bad, so you will just have to trust us, we have all already talked about if something like this happens.

Flare: Alright then.

*Back to reality*

Flare started to glow, and a spark came from her that started to form something in front of them. A moment later, a half-ghostly apparition of a Flareon was formed.

Mysterious Figure: Yoouuu...

Flare: Blaze?

Unknown Flareon: Run I will take care of this.

Flare: You sure?

Unknown Flareon: Go!

Flare and Bob started running away from the area.

Mysterious Figure: Destroy him!

All the mons started charging at the Flareon, some with ranged attacks others with close. The Flareon started multi-backflipping, dodging all the ranged attacks and gaining distance from the ones coming up close. After gaining enough distance, he started swiftly dodging the ones up close, using superpower to hard knock them back out one by one having an easier time dodging the incoming ranged attacks now. The remaining close combatants decided to try and attack together this time, but the Flareon just kneeled down, almost too prone, dodging their attack. He put one of his legs out and started spinning into a leaf hurricane, effectively tripping them and kicking them out cold into nearby trees, and dodging one more ranged attack just in time. After taking out the close thread, the Flareon started running toward the ranged mons while they were rapidly firing what they had at him, and even though they managed to scratch him with some attacks, he was just too fast for them. After getting relatively close, the Flareon jumped high with multiple frontflips and latched multiple scarf-shaped lines with needles at the tip from his fur toward the mons, impaling them in the process.

Unknown Flareon: Fire Doll

Flames started spreading from the Flareon on the lines, instantly vaporizing all the mons they were attached to.
He released all the mons affected by the virus, but there was still one enemy left.

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