Dominant Flame

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After what seemed to be an entire day of walking Flare and the Umbreon were starting to approach some kind of fortress gate surrounded by a stone wall and a Jolteon which was standing in front of the gate seemingly waiting for them.

Jolteon: So is this the new one you have chosen to bring with you this time bro?

Umbreon: Jolt please, not this again, also she is way different than all the others.

Jolteon: Honestly I'm bored of doing this as well but our father entrusted this task to us so I have no other choice.

Umbreon: As you wish.

Flare: Um what are you guys talking about?

Jolteon: Hello there miss Flareon, my name is Speed I am the brother of the Umbreon you are traveling with. Since he has chosen you as his companion, to be able to pass through the gate, you will first have to prove yourself capable by defeating me, it is our law.

Flare: I was actually offered free food and shelter nothing about a partnership with anyone but ok I guess.

Jolteon: Really now? Well either way you ain't going by before proving yourself to me.

And with that sentence finished he instantly mega evolved and formed his own electric daggers.

Jolteon: In this form my speed is unmatched and my move can faint any pokemon instantly. I'm sorry I would have to end your trip so fast but you aren't ready to enter this place.

And with that, he dashes like lightning towards the Flareon. Flare pulls out her own flame daggers and dashes towards the Jolteon and they collide instantly forming a spark. After the spark faded Umbreon could see them opposite of where they started. Flare seemed to be normal and standing but his brother was collapsed on the ground fainted.

Umbreon: *I was never expecting that someone can outspeed my brother, especially a Flareon so she was holding back against me in our fight* So you were holding back?

Flare: He will be alright after some sleep, can we continue now and mind explaining to me what is going on here?

Umbreon: Alright.

The Umbreon starts explaining while the gate starts lowering and they move in.

Umbreon: Welcome to the city of Rivenscale, my name is Nightshade, my father who was also an Umbreon was the ruler of this land and that is why he actually picked me to be his ascendant and like every living being I want a couple so my brother and my 2 sisters were entrusted of battling every female I bring to battle her and only if she defeats all 3 of them can she be my wife.

Flare: And what if someone is just looking for a place to stay?

Umbreon: You would have to be friends with one of the residents in the city or make yourself trusted enough to be allowed in. We don't usually allow much outside pokemon in here.

Flare: I see.

And right after that sentence, an Ice beam was fired straight toward her but she dodged it. Glaceon: So you are the Flareon that beat my bro.

Flareon: Before you engage me Umbreon already tolled me your story. I'm only here for a few days and I will be off I don't want to be any ones mate.

Umbreon: I suggest you don't fight her sis she ain't someone you can fight against.

Glaceon: Oh really now? Well then forget about everything else I'm just eager to test out if she really is as strong as you say.

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