The fire of a new dawn

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Alone through the woods in the world of pokemon, a roaming female Flareon was passing by in a gray cape thinking to itself about its past.

* flashback *

Upon a mountain along a plain-sided field, there was a village called NovaVill, the village was inhabited by fire-type pokemon and the leader was a Flareon. The Flareon had a wife which was also a Flareon and they together had a young Eevee daughter which they just decided to name Flare. It was a nice and sunny day in NovaVill, Flare was playing with her mother while her father was busy training with friends but all of a sudden a barrage of hyper and laser beams were fired destroying parts of buildings and structures and even hurting citizens of the village it was an attack of what seemed like a human organization armed with laser guns and their pokemon they were called team Expends. A defense force was immediately formed and Flareons friends immediately went to help as expected Flareon had to go as well since he was the leader thus he was in charge of protecting the village but not before he said goodbye to his family especially his daughter because the battle didn't seem it was going to be easy. The little Eevee was scared stiff and all crying and didn't want her father to leave her but he had no choice he loved all the people in the village and had to try and protect them so he kissed his daughter on the forehead and tried to promise her they will see each other again, he told his wife what to do and went to the battlefield. The Eevees mother quickly went into their house put the Eevee in a basket tucked her with a blanket and ran to the nearest river. The Eevee was crying and didn't want to leave her as well but her mother knew they were going to die and she didn't want their child to die as well she was also the leader of the archer team (you will see later how there are archers)
so she kissed her daughter on the forehead as well and put the basket to go down the stream and went back as well. The Eevee was crying and scared she was in the middle of the river current and couldn't get off the basket. The river split in different directions and took the Eevee too far from her home but she was finally able to get off the basket and swim to shore. She was hungry, scared deeply in tears, and lost but she wanted to try and get back home and started following the river. It took the rest of the day but she was able to find some food along the way in some berry bushes she reached where the river splits but it was getting dark so she found a nearby cave and decided to continue tomorrow hoping this day ends for good and tomorrow she will be with her family again. It was finally day again Eevee woke up and continued towards her home, she wasn't far away now but what was she about to see was going to change her life. She finally made it but when she got out of the woods and into the plain field her eyes started tearing up again, there were only ruins and corpses left, the Eevee went back into the woods and started crying, she didn't want to see what she did but she went running back out crying in the open fields wanting to find her mother and father and she did. She knew crying wasn't going to change anything but at least she can give her parents and the rest of the village pokemon a proper funeral. Now she became engulfed in rage swearing on everyone's grave that she will avenge their dead.

Btw this all happened because team Expends wanted the village treasure which was a gift to the village called the Nova sphere but even after all the bloodshed they failed to find it. Time passed the Eevee was training hunting down for herself surviving on herself and before she knew it one day she became a Flareon without requiring a firestone, she searched through any remaining books learning any hidden village secrets or basically anything she could find. Time passed she had become very intelligent a very skilled hunter a deadly hunter engulfed in fire rage she was slowly losing her kindness happiness and will of life allowing her access to guts the hidden ability of a Flareon what she had mostly left is only the desire for revenge. After a lot of training, she developed many new sets of skills 2 of which are the fire bow which she can just split into fire daggers and then combine them again into a fire bow, 'and yes she can stand on 2 legs that is how the village had archers ;)' but 2 daggers weren't her only specialty. One day she had enough and went to her family's house which is nothing but ruins now and found a gray cape, which she recognized as the blanket her mother used to carry her with when she was little, she put it on and left traveling over the world. She meth many pokemon along the way who were kind enough to support her with food and water she helped some along her journey so she basically made many friends but something unusual was bound to happen at some point.

* end flashback *

Flare was walking along the road preparing to call it a day but she had noticed an Umbreon following her for a long time now, she just continued walking hoping for him to stop but guess that was not going to be the case so she decided to stop.

Flare: Why don't you go find someone one of your own or close to your typing to stalk you pervert?

Umbreon: Interesting that you have managed to spot me in the darkness now that is a rare type of Flareon, shall we dance dear?

Flare: After you.

The Umbreon quickly fired a dark pulse at Flareon but she just moved her head and it missed then the Umbreon started firing a barrage of shadow balls but Flareon was just moving past them like she was just dancing, the Umbreon was starting to have enough and used psychic to restrain her but she just cloaked her self in fire and rendered the psychic useless, but now Flare was starting to have enough and faster then a second went behind the Umbreon with a fire dagger pointed at his neck.

Flare: So far I can pierce through anything so I suggest you give up now if you don't want to lose your head.

The Umbreon was stunned he had never seen a Flareon or a pokemon with such skill he still hadn't even seen her face from the cape so he knew he had only one thing left to try because he had to have her, he quickly used double team to escape and now Flare was surrounded by clones but that wasn't a problem, she quickly switched to a bow and started rapid firing very fast and neutralizing every clone and firing a strong bigger arrow directly at the real one but at that time Umbreon has charged a maxed out dark pulse and fired it at Flare but the arrow just passed through it like it was nothing neutralizing the dark pulse and heading for Umbreon but he started glowing stopping the arrow and neutralizing it he had mega evolved.

Flare: Mega evolution ha this should be interesting.

Umbreon: You haven't seen anything yet.

The moon started glowing brighter and the Umbreon used his ultimate move copycat which basically copies the stats of who or whatever his fighting with and like Flareons fire daggers Umbreon used the moon's energy to make a glowing bo staff and he charged at Flareon but since their stats were equal it would seem they would go on forever but Flareon used sunny day which resulted in ending the night then flamethrower and Umbreons mega evolution faded ending in his defeat.

Flare: That takes care of that.

She was getting ready to continue on the road but was stopped by the Umbreon.

Umbreon: Please, we could use someone with your skill and potential, we can also offer you shelter and food.

Flare: What do you mean by we?

Umbreon: I will explain to you along the way, now please come with me.

Flare was feeling kinda hungry and needed a place to rest anyway so she decided to follow him.

To be continued...

Writer: I really like reading fanfics (people's imaginations) that I got inspired on trying to make some of my own creations. Sadly time is not really on my side so I can't promise fast uploads but I will try my best. Anyway, I would like to thank anyone that decided to spend some of his time to join me on my adventure :) fill free to follow if you'd wish to be notified when I do decide to upload more also some of your ideas might be featured in a future chapter ;)

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