New Hopes

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Human: You know. I have no problem carrying you since you seem to like me. So why not do yourself a favor and come out instead of tiring yourself out in an attempt to follow me with those wounds still healing?

Flare: How did you know?

Human: Heightened senses I also thought you wouldn't stay alone back there with the catastrophe that seems to have happened.

Flare: ...

Human: Hop on.

With everything that has happened to Flare so far, she was hesitant and scared to put her trust and feelings on the line to try and connect with anyone again. The human came close, kneeled, and patted her on the head.

Human: Look. I don't know what has happened in your life, but I would like for us to become friends and try to help you.

With tears in her eyes, Flare smiled and jumped on his back.

Human: That a girl!

Human: So what is your name, young one? And how do you sim to know the human language, unlike all the other creatures I have met so far?

Flare: My name is Flare, and I'm a Flareon. Original, I know. The creatures you are referring to are called Pokemon. As for the language part. I don't really know. The first time I saw a human, I was able to understand everything he was saying, so I guess I was born knowing it. What about you? Referring to us as 'creatures' makes me think you are not from around here.

Human: You can call me Bob. I am indeed not from around here. I got teleported by a mysterious entity from my planet to here. Apparently, this place had to be shown to me as a part of my existence, so now I'm here.

Flare: Interesting.

Bob: What do you say we stop here for today? It is starting to get late, and it will be harder to travel through this deep forest at night.

Flare: Alright.

They stopped next to a fallen log. Flare got off Bob and set on it. After that, Bob picked up a few branches from nearby and placed them in a tent-shaped position in front of the log.

Bob: You are a fire type, right? Can you light us a fire?

Flare: Alright.

Bob: Want to try out something special?

Flare: Like what?

Bob: Can I place my hand on your forehead?

Flare: Um sure?

Bob: Now close your eyes.

*Inside Flares Mind*

Bob: Hello there.

Flare: Wait. You can enter minds?

Bob: Not necessarily. I can just get inside yours.

Flare: What do you mean?

Bob: Let me explain. In the world where I come from, we don't have magical creatures or abilities like you do here. We don't have any type of magic, so the only thing that gave us the idea of something like this existing was our imagination. Since I was born, I have been having what I taught were imaginations from time to time from a diagnosis known in my world as epilepsy, or at least that is what the doctors from my world diagnosed me with, even though they couldn't find much evidence. Anyway, some of them turned out to be real.
One day I had a vision of a person running away from something towards a cave in a mountain similar to the one close to where I lived. When he reached the cave, he sat down and looked at one of his legs; it was bleeding with an arrow stuck to it. At that moment, I felt the pain in the same leg as well and snapped out of the vision. The next day, I decided to go and look for the spot on the mountain I saw. I was able to find the place, but I saw no cave. When I got closer to the wall, I saw some out-of-place cracks forming a line in the shape of what appeared to be a giant rock. I decided to try and move it with the idea that it was blocking the path to where I wanted to go. After a while of struggling, I was able to move it and reveal the entrance to a small cave with the skeleton of a human at the end. I guess my vision was correct; whoever that person was, I shared some of his last memories. Anyway, I poked around the cave to see why it specifically showed me this vision, but I didn't find anything. In the meantime, it started to rain outside, so I was stuck. With no idea what to do, I decided to sit down on some random rock in the cave and play on my phone while the rain stopped but figures no connection, so I just staared randomly thinking to myself. Some time passed, and the sun was starting to set. When it came to the point of reaching the cave entrance, it started glowing through the rain, forming a rainbow at a very small point on the cave wall. I found it interesting since the entire cave was lit up and a rainbow was forming only at that spot. I stood up and went to investigate; maybe it could have just been wet there, but no. I poked around a little bit, and I don't know if I pushed something, but half of the floor on the other side of where I was started retreating, and stone stairs that led down formed. My interest picked me to go and see what was down there, and so I did with my phone flashlight. I saw a marked circle on the ground. Now, I know from shows that normally something happens when you stand in the circle of a random place, but I didn't really care about my life anyway, so I decided to do it. Lights started shining around it, and in the next moment, I woke up on the ground in a forest in the middle of f*ing nowhere.

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