Extinguishing the Past

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After a day of sleeping Flare finally started to wake up, she saw a wall in front of her with multiple holes in it and instantly remembered what was happening, she used her flame dagger to cut the vines and jumped back through one of the holes, but what she saw on the other side brought her tears again, everything was destroyed with no soul left in sight.

Flare laid on the ground, crying that she was helpless in protecting everything she loved again all because she opened up to feelings again.

Shade: It's ok little one we are still here for you.

Flare taught she was going insane now, no one around her but she could still hear her friends.

Shade: Look within yourself.

Flare stood up and set down in a meditating position and closed her eyes.

*In Flares Mind*

Shade: Hello there.

Flare: You guys are still alive? How did you get inside my mind? What happened with the invasion?

Cyra: Well not really alive we just infused our spirits with yours.

Verd: The battle was over a day ago.

Shade: And how we got here.

Blaze: I can answer that, hello.

Flare: Who are you?

Blaze: The name is SolarBlaze or Blaze for short and I'm what was known as the 3rd class bearer and after the war, the core of the *Berserker Virus* a sort of a magical parallel which we named that way and that is how we got here.

Flare: I saw your name on a burned page amongst my father's books are you?

Blaze: The creator of NovaVille and yes your grandfather.

Shade: Wait then that means.

Alan/Speed2: Yup you are related.

Shade: Father.

Flare: I have so many questions right now.

Blaze: If it is about the crystal I have no idea about it still.

Flare: Well that was one of them.

Verd: Dad! If you are here then that means.

Leafy: Hello sweetie.

Verd: Mom!

Verd: Auntie!

Lazuli: Hello.

Cyra: Wait we related as well?

Verd: Yup! :)

Crystal: Hello there.

Flare: Um can we get back to me you're kinda all in my head.

Alan: Sorry bout that lemme shed some light. (the eeveelution squad comic here). So after the war, a lot of pokemon cherished us and decided to make us the leaders of the city but everyone just decided to pick me. After that, Sunshine, Sylvy, Crystal, Pearl, and Blacky left to live separate lives, Leafy decided to live in a library in the city, Blaze decided to go on an adventure to develop his side of the *Berserker Virus* and I and Lazuli developed a family and my side of the *Berserker Virus* here.

Blaze: We were able to develop a way to bind the souls of those we bind it to but no idea how to unlock its power without causing pure chaos in the host to the point of death.

Flare: So you decided to try with me now, is that why you made Shade do that family challenge thing?

Alan: I knew you were the one.

Flare: ... I think someone is coming towards me in the real world I will get back to you all later.

*Back to the real world*

Flare opened her eyes and noticed a human walking toward her, she wanted to move away but now that she is calmed down she noticed her legs had a lot of cuts and were partially bleeding from sleeping in the bushes for a day and that jump bruised them even more. With all that has happened to her in her life so far, she decided to just give up and let the human do whatever he wants with her.

Human: You poor thing, I don't know what has happened here but let's fix ya up.

To Flares surprise the Human cleaned her up and bandaged her legs and even left her food and water.

Human: that should do the trick, you better get out of here as soon as you recover.

The human pet her and left on his way.

Flare ate up real quick and with renewed strength she got up and went after the human but secretly.

*4th Wall break*

Writer: Hello there been a long time since I last posted something here :) but yea I hope you having a nice day/night and enjoy this small new part.

*End of 4th Wall break*

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