~4: Dorms~

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The class over the month has grown closer and out of their shells. 

Today the dorms have been completely finished for every class at UA. 

Tommy, Tubbo, and Jack carry their belongings to the school after saying their goodbyes to their families. 

Some groups who have become friends like Purpled, Astelic, and Eighty, arrive together.

Some take the bus while others walk.

At 10AM, everyone from 1A arrived at the new dormitories.

"Omg it's huge."

"Hey guys! Welcome to the dorms!" Bad skipped from behind them. "You excited?"

He got some excited chatter.

"Alright before you go in. Please take all of your things to your room before exploring. Your dorm number is your seating number. You have a free day today to let you settle in." Bad explained to the students. 

The mob wandered inside to their rooms. 

Some thought the rooms were smaller, or bigger. 

Others just enjoyed the idea of dorm life. 


5up meekly stepped into his room which has a golden emblem on the door marked One

He studied the neatly place furniture. 

A full-sized bed. 

A wooden closet. 

A small office desk. Though the desk didn't have a chair.

He started to unpack his assortment of belongings.

Putting his clothing in the closet before putting clean sheets on his bed.

He didn't bring much knowing he would go to his house again very soon.

After he finished unpacking, he peeked out of his doorway before exploring the new atmosphere.


Walking into the room,  Astelic threw herself onto the bed before letting out a satisfied sigh. 

Dorm life. 

She enjoyed the independence because of her helicopter parents being over her shoulder all of the tim.

The only thing she did was decorate her dorm. 

Fairy lights. 

Multicolored paper stars.

And the assorted pastel bed sheets.

The brunette ran out the door, so excited that she forgot to shut it behind herself.


Pushing her stuff was a bit of a challenge. 

She used her head to move the items was harder than she though. Digging her heels into the ground, she only pushed the large duffle bag a few inches.

Crumb didn't want to use her quirk because she wanted to show Tubbo that she can do things in her normal form.

"Dude. You can't even carry your books around without using your quirk."

She shuddered at the memory. 

Finally get into her dorm, which had the door already open, she realized the room was way too big for her. The room was like something out of Alice in Wonderland.

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