~37: With Fear Comes Anxiety~

197 5 11

tw: mention of knives, mention of death


"Wake up."

"I think she's sleeping."

"She's already slept for 13 hours."

"No, she was just unconscious. There's a difference."

Tap. Tap.

"Wake up. You need to eat."

Delilah slowly lifted her head from the table. The light from the cafeteria made her head buzz. She couldn't recall how she got there.

Her eyes laid on a fork that was placed in front of her. On the other end, there was a piece of "chicken".

Thirty and #035 exchanged a glance before one of them spoke, "Are you ok? You walked into here like a zombie." #030 stared at her. His emerald eyes always reminded her of her son's eyes.

#035 was staring at her with a worried expression. "I took some protein bars... from the surgery room." She carefully placed a couple bars onto the table. One had almonds with caramel and the other had peanuts with chocolate. Chocolate!

Her hands shot for the chocolate protein bar. Opening the packaging was an issue from her excitement but when the chocolate flavor hit her tongue, she felt happy.

"They give them me to me when they take a lot of blood. Most of the time it doesn't work and I still end up passing out- but today they gave me the bars anyway." #035 messed with some bandaids on her arm. One was pink and the other had cats on it.

Delilah let out an airy chuckle, "I can't believe I'm happy over chocolate."

"Well it's the small things that count." #030 gave a smile.

With every chew of her bites of heaven, she could remember little details of what happened before she came into the lunch room. She remembered when she woke up, she was laying in her room. The lunch bell rang right when she sat up so she walked to the cafeteria. That explains why Thirty called her a zombie.

"I passed that note to the person you wanted me too, Mrs. Six." #035 shyly said. Ever since #035 joined their group, she's felt more and more comfortable. Delilah learned that she really likes cats and cartoons.

"Oh please. Call me Delilah." Delilah gave a motherly smile, "and that's good! Our plan will continue very soon."

#035 nodded slowly, processing the information, "May I ask a question?"

"Of course!"

"What's your quirk?"

Delilah took her last bite of the protein bar with sadness, "Good question! My quirk is telekinesis."

|| Delilah's Quirk: Telekinesis ||

Her quirk is self-explanatory where it gives her the ability to move objects with her mind or her hands. This can range from picking up objects with her mind to crushing them. She has a lot of control over her quirk due to the everyday usage at P.T.F.

Weakness: Whenever she does use her quirk too much, she gets lightheaded and nose bleeds.

"I see... mine is harder to explain but it's along the lines of how my words can affect people." #035 told them. "It also helps with making antidepressants which is why I'm here."

Beep. Beep.

"I can tell you more at dinner time." She stood up from her seat, offering a hand to Thirty. He kindly declined and helped himself up.

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