~5: Training~

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-=Two Months into the School Year=-

The students are in the final stretch for the end of the school day.

"Alright! So as you all know tomorrow is the event that UA hosts every year, the Sports Festival. Not only for entertainment, but to show agencies your potential. If you get accepted into an agency, it helps you better understand your quirk, or help you learn more tips on all of your abilities." He

"A tip couple tips are one, the higher you score on each event, the more likely you get invites to an agency. The second tip is to watch the third years. They are better than you guys, and probably have all most mastered their quirk's." Bad told them. 

The bell rang.

"Alright you are all dismissed! The workout room, swimming pool, and track are all open for students from 5:00 PM to 12:00 AM, so if you want to use that you can wait a little bit. Other than that, please take time to relax!" Bad dismissed them, and the different friend groups walked together. 


Jack, Tubbo, Tommy, Quackity, and Drista walked together to the dorms. 

"Lets make a game plan, guys. I say we go to the dorms, and get changed into our workout clothes. We then go to the kitchen, grab a water for the work out, and walk to the workout room." Tubbo said.

"Sounds good to me." Drista said.

"Yeah alright." Tommy said annoyed. He didn't like when Tubbo was right.

So with that, they walked to the dorms. Once they got there they got dressed into their PE/workout uniforms, they met up in the kitchen.

"We all ready?" Quackity asked.

"I can't find my phone." Jack said.

"I have mine, so we should be fine." Tubbo answered.

"Alright then! ONWARD MEN!" Tommy said, marching out the door.

Tubbo giggled, and they all followed Tommy to the workout room.

"You know I like the ring of The Boys plus Drista as the name of our little group here." Jack pitched the idea.

"Good one Manifold. The Boys plus Drista it is." Tommy let out a chuckle.

A few minutes later, they arrived. 

There were TONS of people, third years, second years, and other first years used the equipment. 

The Boys plus Drista walked into the weight room which thankfully wasn't as crowded as the main equipment area. 

They each grabbed their own weights, and started curling. 

Tommy and Drista with their competitive nature, were having a competition to see who can curl the heaviest weights. 

Tubbo, Jack, and Quackity watched while they curled at their own pace. Eventually, Tommy worked his way up to 65, and Drista was at 75. 

After an argument between Tommy and Drista, It was settled that Tommy lost and Drista won. Once they left the weight room into the hallway, someone caught Drista's eye. 

"Shit." She pulled them into a janitor's closet.

"What the fuck was-" Quackity was saying when Drista covered his mouth with her hand. She put her finger up to her lips.

They heard a loud almost tea kettle sounding laugh as people passed the closet. A few minutes later, she opened the door, and let out a sigh of relief. 

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