~1: New Beginnings~

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

A blonde smacked the silver alarm clock on his bedside table.

Letting out an annoyed groan before standing up, he walked to the bathroom to freshen up for the day. He slipped on his school uniform and ate a biscuit for breakfast, one of his favorite foods.

With a deep sigh, the young boy pushed the front door open. The thoughts of future schoolwork and exams sat heavy on his shoulders once he started for school.

His plans of graduating early with his two best friends made him grin a bright smile.

As he wallowed in his cloud of thoughts, a faint echo of footsteps began to creep up behind him.

"Tommy!" Someone yelled at the top of his lungs from behind him. "Tommy, wait up!"

He let out a groan before turning around to see the one the only... "Hi, Tubbo."

The short brunette hunched over, taking in air like candy. His face was glossed over with a pink hue from his morning sprint.

Tommy rolled his eyes, beginning to walk away without him. His tired friend saw this and straightened up, following him yet again.

The duo walked in sync. Left, Right, Left, Right

"You excited for next week?" Tubbo disrupted the peace created by trees rustling, cars passing, and lawns being mowed.

"Huh?" Tommy was snapped out of his thoughts, unable to recall anything going on the following week.

'Probably a stupid birthday.'  The blonde thought to himself and internally eye-rolled.

"You're joking. You didn't forget the entrance exam, did you?"

Stopping in his tracks, color slowly drained from Tommy's face.

How had he forgotten the entrance exam for the pristine, UA high school?

The boys have been talking about it for practically their whole lives.

"You fucking idiot. How could I forget that? Now come on we are going to be late." Tommy rolled his eyes for the third time, walking from his frozen stature.

About ten minutes passed by and they approached their destination. Walking into the school campus, they both felt a mild sense of dread for the final exams at school.


The school day went by as slow as it could. Almost like time was taunting the boys. Though, time was beaten with the thoughts of the biggest exams of their lives.

The day eventually went by and the two boys walked home together.

At his house, Tubbo was sat watching videos of his favorite Pro Hero, Ph1lza, Tubbo was sitting on his floor curling dumbbells his mother bought for him. He had his phone propped up on a chair leg as he sat working his arm muscles.

Tubbo's body unfortunately wasn't as strong as his friend Tommy's. Well... Tommy isn't that strong either which makes Tubbo severely weaker. It doesn't help that he is also fairly short.

45... 46... 47... 48... 49... 50!

He dropped the weights with a thud before letting out a tired sigh. Beads of sweat gathered around his forehead.

Tonight he decided to cut his usual workout routine short by excluding his daily run. This way he can work on his quirk control. Hydrating with water, he switched to pop a bottle of honey open, guzzling it down.

*Tubbo's Quirk*: Bees!

His quirk allows him to summon large or small quantities of bees from his hands or other parts of his body. He can control the bees to do anything at his will. For him to gain full control over the bees he must drink honey. The more honey he drinks, the easier for him to keep the bees under control. Tubbo usually keeps a bottle of honey on him at all times.

Weakness: He can't really use his quirk in smokey, cold, or indoors because this will either harm the bees, make them weaker, or make them harder to control. Another downside with his quirk is that he cannot control the bees he summons very well, especially when he's tired. The last time he followed through and summoned bees, the neighbor's cat was, and is still, scarred for life. As a compromise, he has 100 bees in a jar which he has all named. His favorites are three named Spins, Spuns, and Spoons.

After finishing the large bottle of honey, he stepped outside of his house to his small backyard.

He opened the glass jar in his hands to allow the one hundred bees to come out. The swarm, or what Tubbo calls The Hive, slowly flew out of their home.

Tubbo's eyes threatened to shut from the fatigue he bared.

The Hive is very good at staying under control since they have been created by a queen. Even with this information, Tommy always questioned how he just controls the bees at will. And if Tubbo was completely honest...

He has no idea.

How he explains it every time is: He puts an idea in his head of what he wants them to do, and they do it.

Part of him always feels spoiled with his quirk. His is easier to control unlike Tommy's or Jack Manifold's quirks. Though, Tubbo is forever grateful for his abilities.

A few bricks sat on the ground for The Hive to pick up and move across the lawn. After briefly checking on the bees for injuries and casualties, he placed down a small stuffed animal cat on the grass.

He bought the plushie at the dollar store on his way home, so tearing it up won't be an entire loss on his bank account.

In an instant, a pile of fluff appeared on the ground. The stuffed animal's small black beady eyes stared up at Tubbo in the middle of the pile of white stuffing. The eyes made him feel guilty.

"Alright. I think that's enough training for one night." He let out a uneasy chuckle before walking back inside. Leaving the pile of fluff on the lawn.

He continued back to his room with heavy footsteps. His eyelids kept trying to connect, fatigue urging them on to close completely. Once reaching his room, he flopped onto his bed. His mind began to drift off to the dream world when his eyelids finally met. He fell asleep with a pool of drool forming at the base of his pillow.

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