~36: Simon Says~

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tw: fighting, knives, guns, threats, kidnapping, minor blood, implied assault, yelling

Tommy didn't know where he was.

Or rather... how he got there...

Though, he was only aware of the fact that the darkness he rested in was disturbed by screams.

Familiar screams.


"Woah woah woah! Let's stay quiet now. We don't wanna end our fun so soon! We haven't even gotten to play games yet."

Everything was blurry when Tommy opened his eyes but he could see Tubbo as clear as day. His big brown eyes were wet with tears.

A girl had a pink pocket knife held to Tubbo's neck.

"Don't you fucking hurt him." His voice was hoarse, raspy.

The girl with black hair slowly turned around. "Oh! Look who decided to join us!" She let go of Tubbo and skipped over to Tommy. Tubbo held his neck out of fear, taking in labored breaths. He was trembling and could only focus on how close he was to death.

Tommy jerked his arms to get away but he soon realized his situation. His arms were tied to Ranboo whose head fell deep into his chest. It was obvious that he was unconscious. No one would purposely be sleeping during this situation.

He felt minor relief from this though. Ranboo had always struggled with anxiety issues. During fake missions at the Crow Agency, his anxiousness clouded his ability to do anything. The three of them were given the task to defuse a bomb and Ranboo was unable to help at all.

Tommy couldn't imagine the state we would be in if he was awake for all of this.

He felt a hand collect under his chin and his head was tilted up to look at the girl. His eyes met with hers. She had dark brown eyes. They were gentle yet malicious, "Tommy Innit! Intern at The Crow Agency and best friend of Tubbo Bensons." Her smile had a thousand meanings but in that moment she meant harm. Even if she wasn't direct. Something about her words made his heart sink.

"It's nice to finally meet you and your friends. From our research we know that you're the leader within your friend group."

Leader? He was no leader. If anything, he felt far from it... and how did this crazy lady know so much about him?!

"That's right. I am their fucking leader." He shot back. No- He can't let her get into his head. He was Tommy Innit. Big man and younger brother figure to many people.

Her lips pulled up into a thin intrigued smile, "Hm," she began walking towards Niki and Wilbur. They were both tied together with Will being horribly beaten up, dried blood collected under his nose and his unconscious frame, and Niki being in full hysterics. Each sob made Tommy's heart sink.

"No need to cry, Sweetie." The girl knelt down to Niki." We aren't going to kill you... just a few others."

"We?" Tommy questioned her.

What the fuck did she mean by 'We'?

She shot up from where she was knelt down, "Indeed! I'm sure you'll recognize a few of them." A loud noise of a door swinging open echoed throughout the room of what Tommy believed was a warehouse. The lighting wasn't the best and his eyes had trouble focusing on things. It must have been from them knocking him out. A concussion perhaps...

The clack of footsteps synced up with their heartbeats.

Clack. Clack. Clack.

No it couldn't be.

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