Chapter 15

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|Weeks later|

You and Alex were in canada at his aunts farm when you finally asked him something you've even wondering for a long time but never asked

"Hey I've never asked this because well it's obvious she's insane but your relationship with Kyoko I don't really know much about it." You say and Alex sighs

"Oh damm well yeah I guess we never talked about that and we'll if we're having a baby together and we're engaged I guess I should tell you." He says and you nod

"Yeah I never asked because well you seem to deal with her enough I didn't want to ask." You say and Alex smiles

"You could have if you wanted to know I wouldn't have mind." Alex says and you nod as he pulls you onto his lap as he was sitting on the balcony looking out at the beautiful scenery "We'll I guess sit back and relax here's a story from when I met her to when we broke up."

|Alex's Flash back|

I was talking with my friend Jacob when he introduced me to his friend Kyoko and she was extremely nervous around me and she wouldn't shake my hand "Um uh hey Kyoko I'm Alex." I say and I thought I heard her say I know "What?" I say and she jumped

"Uh I said hi yo." She says nervously and I laugh

"Hey no need to be nervous we can be friends if you want." I say and her eyes lit up as she looked at me kinda weirdly but uh ok? Everyone is different I guess

My best friend who's a girl walks over and hugs me and Kyoko looked like she wanted to murder her "Alex! Come on I promise you it'll be worth your time." She says as I get pulled of

"Ok girl calm down beautiful." I say and honestly in high school I was a flirt if I wasn't actually dating someone and all my friends who are girls knew this I'd flirt with any girl I see without thinking because it was just how I was

|days later|

Amelia my best friend was found dead in the bathroom cause of death was a heart attack which is what my parents said from what they heard from her parents

Amelia was like a sister to me and now she's dead I was so heartbroken but kyoko was always there to cheer me up like when I started losing friends she was the only one who cared about me

And when rumours spread around the school about me kyoko was the only one who believed me and I then fell in love with her and dated her, which I felt like I had to date her "Alex baby don't let anyone get you down your perfect." Kyoko says as she kisses my cheek and I nod

"Thanks." I say as I smiled slightly

A few weeks later a new girl joined and we became friends because we both really liked skateboarding

Which kyoko would always yell at me if I said I'm hanging out with her "YOU DON'T LOVE ME!!!" Kyoko yells as she freaks out and breaks things

"I do love you Kyoko just I can't spend every waking moment with you like we did I made friends." I say and Kyoko smirks

"Not for long Alex baby." She says and I was confused but left her house and went to the skatepark

The next day there were rumours again but my friends stood up for me and Kyoko was angrier and angrier

"Kyoko is so crazy Alex dump her." Kelly say and I sigh

"I'm the only thing keeping her mentally stable I can't leave her I love her too." I say and they all looked like yeah sure you so do

A week later kelly died after she was at the skatepark at night and someone killed her they never found out who did it

I then lost my new friends and Kyoko was once again the only person I had again

"Alex baby you don't love me if you don't sleep with me." Kyoko says when I wasn't ready yet

"I don't want to I'm not ready." I says and she looked shocked

"How could you hate me so much? Wow was everything a lie then? You don't love me at all I can't believe you 2 years wasted." She says and I shake my head

"No I am ready I do love you please don't leave me like everyone else does." I say and she smirks

"Good Alex now fuck me already." She say and I nod as I didn't enjoy it at all it all felt wrong

After was worse she kept wanting us to have sex all the time without protection sometimes but I'm not being a teen dad no! "Kyoko your crazy!" I say and she then started screaming and yelling and throwing things and it was hitting me and I was scared for my life "I'm sorry I take it back I love you." I say and she stopped and smiled and threw herself on me kissing me and smiling

"That's right you do love me and only me no one else." Kyoko says and I nod

"Um yeah." I say and she kissed me and smiled as she was acting like the nice happy lovey Kyoko I like

"You know Alex you hate me if you don't show you love me." Kyoko says and I then tried to do everything to show I loved her

I was so emotionally, mentally and physically worn out that Kyoko started doing my homework and stuff just so I'd pass because I couldn't handle anything anymore

|Present time|

"So wait Kyoko emotionally and mentally abused you so you'd stay with her?" You ask and Alex nodded

"Yeah that's why when we became friends I was so confused when you said nice things to me." Alex say and you felt so bad for him

"So when you said you don't get compliments enough about how smart you are or how nice you are you meant Kyoko would call you an idiot and names all the time to keep your self esteem low so you would stay with her? You say and Alex nods

"Yeah you made me see how abusive she was and I broke up with her and then once I was stable I asked you out and now look at us." Alex says and you smile

"Yeah I love you." You says Alex smiles

"I love you too." He says as he rubs your slight bump smiling *I'm gonna protect them I have to*

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