Chapter 18

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|Months later|

Your due date was super soon and Alex was extremely nervous and he was worrying over you even more

You kiss Alex as he was doing his online school and he looks over

"Yeah?" He asks wondering what's up and you just kiss him again and he chuckles "baby stop I need to focus I can help you with anything after I finish this assignment." Alex says and you sigh and sit on the bed and you were only wearing Alexs shirt which was oversized on you

When Alex finally finished he looked over at you

"Oh, you look good." Alex says and you smile

"Give me attention! I am pregnant!" You say and Alex smiles and walks over and kisses you

"So how's our little princess?" Alex asks and you smile as Alex puts his hands on your big baby bump

"She's fine just really active." You say as Alex rubs your baby bump

*I cant wait to meet my little girl, we're gonna have an amazing family and I'm gonna show them how amazing this family is, and how I'm gonna be the best dad in world and love and protect her* Alex thinks as he kisses your baby bump

|A few days later|

Alex woke up in the middle of the night to you shaking him saying wake up now

Alex looks at you sleepily

"What? What's up?" He asks and you point to your baby bump

"She's coming a week early." You say and Alexs eyes widen and he quickly wakes his aunt up who helps you to the car with Alexs help and his uncles

*I'm gonna be a dad soon!*

|Time skip|

After long hours of labour finally your daughter was born

You hold little Isabella and Alex was sitting beside you

*My life is perfect could it get any better? I can't wait to watch Isabella grow up*

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