Chapter 21

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Alex was holding your waist as you both were dancing

Kyoko was looking at you with hatred

She looked like she was gonna kill you

But you and Alex just ignored her she won't ruin Christmas for you both

"You look beautiful like you do everyday I'm so lucky to call you my wife." Alex says and you smile

"Thanks honey, now we need to check on Isabella I love being in your arms but Isabella is gonna get cranky if we don't leave soon so she can go to bed." You say and Alex smiles looks at the time and nods

"Yeah we should so let's go." Alex says kissing you before you both walk off to find his aunt who was with Isabella


You put Isabella to bed and then go to yours and Alexs bedroom

"Hey how are you." You ask and Alex sighs

"I'm ok I never wanted to see her again." Alex says and you nod and walk over and kiss him

"Wanna move again?" You ask and Alex sighs

"I can't with my job babe, if I could I would but I can't with my job I need to support you and Isabella I can't move again and get a new job maybe in 5 years but I can't now." Alex says and you nod

"Yeah your right but let's get some sleep ok because Isabella is gonna wake us up earlier tomorrow morning." You say and Alex nods

"Yeah we should I love you y/n." Alex says and you smile

"I love you too Alex." You say as Alex wraps his arms around you

*I have to perfect life I don't want my crazy ex girlfriend to come back into my life to ruin it again, I can't deal with her crazy ass I just can't she needs to actually leave me alone, because I'm not gonna deal with her again no I can't not again*

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