Chapter 17

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You were almost 5 months pregnant now and Alex was having anxiety attacks if he heard a tiny noise in the night

But after Alex posted your ultrasound on his Instagram he saw a comment notification that made him have a panic attack so you took his phone and read it

But after Alex posted your ultrasound on his Instagram he saw a comment notification that made him have a panic attack so you took his phone and read it

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You hug Alex as you try and calm him down "It's gonna be ok she can't find us here." You say as you block Kyoko but honestly she's gonna make a new account again, but then you take your shirt off once Alex was more calm and wasn't hyperventilating anymore and he looked confused

You then put his hands on your baby bump "What are you doing?" He asks and you kiss his forehead

"We are safe she can't find us like come on Alex were not even in the same country as her, she has zero money and lives off her parents money, no way she can get to us, like her parents will allow her to travel in her mental state that they know of now." You say and Alex nods

"Your right, your right." Alex says as he leans down and kisses your baby bump

"We are gonna have a kid Alex and we are gonna be a family she won't ever be in our life again." You say and Alex nods

*I'm just so scared I don't wanna lose y/n or the baby! And Kyoko won't stop until I'm here forever which is never gonna happen so only in death will I be free from her, and I don't plan on dying any time soon, maybe being in another country will help her move on and stay away from me forever? Because I never wanna see her again in my life!* Alex thinks as he looks at you and kisses you *If staying in this country means I get a normal life finally then ok I'll take it*

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