Chapter 22

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Isabella jumps on yours and Alexs bed

"Momma! Daddy! Wakes ups!!" Isabella says and you sit up and Alex sits Isabella on him and then tickles her making her laugh

"Good morning Bella." Alex says as you grab your phone and see your brother had texted saying he's coming over later

You tell Isabella to go downstairs and then you stop Alex

"Alex my brother is coming over, you can leave when she comes over, just I can't stop my brother from bringing Kyoko around since I need to find away to tell him all this without ruining my relationship with him." You say and Alex nods he understood life was very hard now

*I wish Kyoko never found me I was so happy, and now I'm scared she's gonna try and ruin it* Alex thinks as he then walks downstairs with you as Isabella was excited to open her presents

"Go ahead." You say as you sit down and Isabella was super happy looking for her name and from who and opened them happily

She got everything she wanted because Alex loves spoiling her on her birthday, or on Christmas

You and Alex just spend the morning with Isabella and then around the afternoon as Alex was playing tickle monster with Isabella, and he was tickling Isabella as Kyoko and your brother walk in

"Rawr the tickle monster has got you again." Alex says as Isabella was laughing

You walk downstairs and say your brothers name and Alex looks up and sees Kyoko and picks Isabella up

"Oh right Kyoko got Isabella a present." Your brother says and Alex looks at you like we're gonna let this crazy woman give our daughter a gift?

You didn't trust this either but took it and sat with Alex and Isabella and you both help her open it

It was a doll and the box has obviously been opened

Alex immediately took it away and said he's putting it with her other gifts

But he secretly brought it upstairs

As Isabella was talking to your brother and Kyoko happily

"I love daddy so much." Isabella says as Kyoko hated that obviously

"Awww Isabella your so adorable." Your brother says and he told you he can't wait to be a dad

Alex walks downstairs and sits beside Isabella

"Hi my princess." Alex says as Isabella smiles as she sits on Alex's lap and hugs him *Did kyoko hope we wouldn't notice the box had been tampered with? She tried to hurt Isabella with that gift! How dare she try and hurt my little princess*

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