Chapter 9

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You woke up confused where you are and you see Alex laying next to you and you try and reach for him but your head hurt too much but you m ice Alex was awake and he put his hand on yours "don't worry I've already thought of 20 escape plans." Alex says and you smile but then you felt nauseous

"Oh not morning sickness." You say and Alex picked you up and ran to the bathroom and held your hair back as you threw up as he rubbed your back once you were done throwing up Alex took you back to the bed and got under the covers with you and cuddled you as you just rest not feeling good at all when Kyoko walks in with a man behind her

"Oh your both awake but I believe this isn't your room Alex you left it to find this hussy excuse me your mine." Kyoko says and Alex holds onto you tightly with one hand on your slightly baby bump

"Touch her you die!" Alex yells at them and you hide your face in Alex's chest who holds you as close as you can get

"Of course she will." Kyoko says and the guy grunts and Kyoko sighs "Right I can't kill her but you want this hoe she's pregnant with my loves baby and I'm not pregnant........" Kyoko then smirks "Alex baby get me pregnant now!" Kyoko says and Alex shakes his head a billion times. The guy separates you and Alex and Kyoko grabs a hold of Alex and the guy was covering your mouth he was too strong to get out of his grip "Y/n meet your insane secret stalker Zach." Kyoko says and you try and get out of his grip but he doesn't let you and no matter how much you struggled he wouldn't let you go "do whatever you want to the hussy Alex is mine." Kyoko says cuddling Alex as she makes sure he won't run to you *Finally Alex is mine again oh I'm so happy but to make sure he breaks I want him to see Zach fuck y/n right in front of him*

Yeah I have no clue what I'm doing I'm just writing random ideas that come to me lol

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