Chapter 16

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Alex was holding you in his arms as you were trying to nap when he heard and noise and tensed up scared and you sat up and hugged him "She isn't here your safe!" You say as Alex starts crying as his imagination was running wild

"I can't handle it anymore I can't please she's scarred me for life and I won't ever be able to escape the pain she's given me." Alex says crying and you hold him close to you

"Hey your ok she won't ever be able to come here she won't be able to find us we are safe." You say and Alex nods as he started crying

"I'm scared baby." Alex says and you kiss him and he kisses you back and holds you closer to him "Don't leave me please." Alex says and you nod

"I won't I'm right here and we're safe." You say and Alex heard another noise and started to cry but then his aunt walked in and said she dropped some stuff

And that calmed Alex down  knowing what made the sound

"Alex she won't ever find us here don't worry." You say and Alex nods

"I hope your right, but I feel like she can track me anywhere! Like I had to get all new laptops and phones for us and made new accounts for everything, I don't want her to find us ever!" Alex says and you nod

"I know it's scary but we're gonna be ok I promise." You say and suddenly Alex got a call from an unknown caller

So he picked it up and put it on speaker phone

And what he got was an automated message from a care facility saying kyoko is calling him and would like to talk and stuff

You sigh and nod

"Only if you want to." You say and Alex nods and presses accept

"Oh Alex baby you accepted you just love me!" Kyoko says and Alex sighs

"No you crazy bitch I don't I just wanted to say when you get out stay away from me, my fiancée and kid I will never love you again!" Alex says and kyoko starts screaming into the phone saying he will love her

"Alex baby if you don't love me if you don't give me your child I'll kill everyone you love when I'm out, if you don't do exactly as I say you'll lose everything and only have me again, so you better use the time I'm stuck in here to think carefully." She says and you take the phone from him

"Yeah? Your gonna what? Aren't these phone calls recorded? So good luck getting out any time soon you insane bitch." You say hanging up then you quickly hug Alex who hugs you tightly

*I don't know what to do anymore! I don't want kyoko in my life but I know she won't ever leave me alone! What do I do!*

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