Chapter 20

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You were shocked Kyoko was with your brother?

She looked dead inside until she saw Alex she looked so happy yeah no she's not over him it's been 3 years and she's still not over?

She then looked angry seeing you beside him and Alex holding Isabella

Alex just ignores Kyoko and goes back to spending time with Isabella

Kyoko also noticed wedding rings on you and Alex so you both got married?

Kyoko looked at Isabella who was on Alexs back now

"Dada me want food." Isabella says and Kyoko looked angry an Alex didn't even look in her direction

But then your brother walks over with Kyoko

And Kyoko obviously didn't love your brother she probably only used him to find Alex

"Yeah she's also pregnant." Your brother says oh no what? She got pregnant by your brother?

You just decided to not say anything and pretend to not know her

Because well how can you explain this to your brother?

Alex walks over to you and stays extremely close and he looked like he was about to have a panic attack

"Alex come with me." You say and he nods as he was holding Isabella tightly to him as he looked at Kyoko before he gets pulled out of the room and Kyoko mouthed found you to him and tears welled up in his eyes

*no why did she have to find me? I am married and I have my kid, I don't wanna deal with her! Why can't she just move on from me! Why can't she just leave me alone! I hate Kyoko so much!* Alex thinks when you hand Isabella to his aunt and then hug him

"It's gonna be ok, I won't allow her around you." You say and Alex nods as he leans down and kisses you and you kiss him back

*Kyoko won't ruin my new life, I won't allow her to*

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