Chapter 9

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(At the forests near Alkama Fields)

Darkness and silence had greeted the couple when they slowly opened their eyes. Agent R noticed she couldn't stand up and felt her arms were being stretched as her hands were tied up at the pole. She looked at her blonde husband who was also trying to break free, but his superstrength was no use. Steve Rogers heavily sighed to his disappointment when his wife felt sorry to see him.

" Steve, I'm sorry for bringing you here in the first place, " the maroon-headed MIB Agent remorsefully spoke.

" I'm supposed to say that to you, Red, " he instantly replied. " It's all my fault that I dragged you into this goose chase. Now, we have ended up in the middle of nowhere for hours. We should have..."

" Steve, we did this in purpose, " she answered. " We needed to find out what's going on in Wakanda. "

" Right. Then, there's no way to get out of here. We're all tied up. Our weapons got stolen, too. "

" So, what are we gonna do? "

" I don't know, " Steve replied in dismay. " We have an unidentified enemy who abducted us and put us into deep sleep for hours. We don't even know what or who are we fighting against. "

" Well, all we have to do is to observe and wait, " his wife said.

Without any notice, they were being observed by a group of tall shadowed beings from the other room. Steve and R heard such murmurs from the walls and shared glances, wondering what they were talking about.

" Red, did you hear that? " he asked his wife.

" Yeah, " she answered, looking more terrified than ever. " They sound like mechanical voices. "

" You mean they're Living Machines watching us. "

" I think so. "

Steve and Agent R continued hearing the same voices from the other room. It took a couple of minutes to finish when there was loud and long beeping sound within the room where they remained. Grimacing in that noise, they couldn't bear to hear it. Then, there was a sudden flash of white light coming from the ceiling that broke the darkness of the entire room. They instantly closed their eyes as they could not tolerate such brightness.

" What's going on?! " R raised her voice as she found them too ridiculous.

" I think they're doing something else to us! " Steve cried and felt cringing. " This needs to be stopped! "

The annoying noise had ceased in a span of minutes, but the ceiling light remained pointing at them. Steve and R sighed in relief and remained even more vigilant than before. They kept moving their heads around and attempted to remove the metallic restraints on their lower arm.

" You cannot remove them. If you dare you will die, " a male mechanical voice echoed in the room using a small black speaker box attached on the wall.

" Who the hell are you?! What do you want from us? " the blonde Avenger indignantly asked and turned his attention to the object.

" Ah, some brave Earth soldier has dared to speak. Soon enough, you will face more horrors of the wars you have seen," the voice taunted and laughed. " You brought your feisty wife into the darkness. "

" We have seen a lot of it, " his wife added. " Why don't you answer our questions first?! "

" Forgive me for that diversion, my name is Soundwave, a loyalist of the Decepticons, the sworn enemies of the Autobots. "

" Autobots? Decepticons? " Steve repeated the words from the speaker. " What are you talking about?! "

" Ah, how intelligently naive you are, " Soundwave commented and followed by another loud laughter of his fellow Decepticons as the background sounds. " We have come from planet Cybertron which is across this galaxy for we don't come in peace. "

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