❄️ 크리스마스 🎅

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It was Christmas morning in the Seo household and it was also a very calm morning for the parents. Hyuck wanted to sleep in a bit like he normally did after he entered toddlerhood, so that left Taeil and Johnny with at least 2 hours to themselves.

Taeil was in the kitchen cooking their usual breakfast: teddy bear breakfast sandwiches for Hyuckie, cheese omelette for Johnny, and kimchi jjigae for him plus a bowl of rice for all of them to share. Taeil was so focused on making sure that his baby's food looked perfect, he didn't notice his husband walking in holding Hyuck in his arms.

"Hyuckie, say good morning to mommy."

Taeil quickly turned around to see his boys looking at him with sweet smiles on both of their faces. He walked towards his husband and gave him a kiss mumbling a small "Happy Christmas baby" before taking the sleepy toddler into his own arms.

"Hi Duckie, are you tired baby boy?"

"Tired mama." The 3 year old replied while rubbing his eye with his tiny fist. Taeil wordlessly pulled his son's hand away from his eye and started to gently kiss his right cheek.

While Taeil and Donghyuck shared a morning snuggle in the kitchen, Johnny placed their individual plates of food onto their dining table and started heating up a morning bottle for Hyuck. He was already 3 and could obviously eat regular food but he loved to be babied in the morning and before bed so the parents had agreed to keep giving him his morning/night milk until Hyuck decided otherwise.

"I think it's time to eat breakfast now, right Duckie?"

"I want milkies first. Please?"

"Yes, you'll get your milk and thank you for using your manners baby."

The family of 3 all sat at the dining table together with Donghyuck on his mom's lap after refusing to sit in his own chair at the table.

Hyuck drank his milk while listening to his parent's conversation although he didn't really pick up much except gifts and food. Eventually the toddler woke up fully and took notice of his teddy bear sandwiches and rice. He reached for it and started whining that he "wanted his teddies".

"Baby, why are we whining? If there's something you want, you need to use your big boy words." Johnny scolded gently.

"I have teddies please?"

Johnny nodded and took Hyuck's bottle before handing him one of the sandwiches.

"Mama what's today?" Hyuck looked up at Taeil while taking small bites of his teddy sandwich. Taeil smiled at his baby and gave him a kiss on his forehead.

"Today is Christmas my sweet boy."

"What's kissmas?"

The parents laughed at their little boy," No duckie, it's Christmas. We're gonna open presents and play in the snow and have lot of yummy food for dinner. We did it last year and the year before."

"When hyuckie open presents?"

"We'll open presents after we finish breakfast, so you should eat your food."

They finished their breakfast fairly quickly with occasional questions from Hyuck about Christmas as if he hadn't been there for it for the past 2 years. When they were done, Hyuck ran into the living room and stared at the Christmas tree that made a sudden appearance the night before.

"Mama, Daddy, look! The tree!"

Johnny walked out of the kitchen and sat down with Hyuck looking at the bright pine tree. They looked at the decorations and colors on the tree for about 5 minutes until Taeil walked in and joined his boys on the floor.

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