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After two months of "hanging out" almost every day and hours of talking on the phone, Johnny decided to ask Taeil to be his boyfriend.

He asked the foreign boy to meet him at the same park they'd went to after their first encounter at the cafe. There he would confess his feeling and hopefully be in a relationship at the end.

While he was sitting on a bench trying to gather his thoughts, Johnny heard a sweetly familiar voice call his name.


Johnny stood up and smiled at his soon to be boyfriend (hopefully). When Taeil reached the taller boy, he was pulled into a tight hug by Johnny who being the affectionate person he was.

"Why'd you wanna meet me here? It sounded important."

"Well I wanted to ask you something that is really important." Johnny tried to sound as calm as possible but it was nearly impossible with his nerves and the way Taeil was looking at him.

"What is it? You can ask me anything Johnny."



"I'm really happy we met that day at the cafe and over these past few months I think I fell for you and I really want you to be my boyfriend so will you?"

Before either of them could say anything else, Johnny grabbed the sides of Taeil's face and kissed him. Taeil was shocked from both Johnny's confession and his spontaneous action but kissed back nonetheless.

They both pulled away after about 15 seconds. They stared at each other without saying a word. But someone had to address the elephant in the room.

"So..." Johnny had already said what he needed to say but was still nervous. Not about being rejected, but about Taeil's reaction. Would he say yes? would he leave? Did he even understand? We may never know.

"I definitely fell for you too but I was too nervous to say so. I would love to be your boyfriend Johnny Jun Seo."

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