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"I'm pregnant."

After Taeil said those two words, there was complete silence. He felt a sense of relief but also anxiety at what would happen next.

Is Johnny going to be mad? Did he think Taeil was lying? Would he leave? Is he gonna start yelling?
All these thought went through Taeil's head while he looked down at his hands trying to ignore the awkward silence.

"Maybe he didn't hear me." Taeil thought to himself.

"Baby?" He mustered up all his courage to finally break the silence in the room.


Taeil felt sick all of a sudden. Johnny didn't sound happy. But he didn't sound angry either.

"Did you hear me?"

"Yeah, I heard you."

"Can you say something please?" He said in a small voice. He looked up for the first time since he broke the news and Johnny was looking right back at him.

"How long?" Johnny was wondering how far along Taeil already was. He didn't want to answer. If he did, he would definitely be in trouble then.

"Two weeks. Baby I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I knew you were busy and I didn't know if you'd be upset or not so I kept it a secret please don't be mad."

"Why would I be mad?" So Johnny wasn't mad. But that didn't mean he was necessarily happy either.

"Yes I'm shocked, but I'm also having a baby with my favorite person in the world. I wanna shout it from the fucking rooftops."

Johnny got up and pulled his tiny husband into a tight hug. He was ecstatic but he didn't want to react too strongly. Taeil pulled away from the hug and poked Johnny's nose somewhat angrily. When he looked down at the shorter man, he remembered his wrongdoing.

"No cursing, remember?"

"I'm sorry but I'm so happy right now."

He pulled Taeil into another hug but this time made sure to leave a loving kiss on his lips. He grabbed the sides of his face and locked their lips together just like they did two years ago.

"Baby you know we still have to clean up right?"

"No no no. I'll do the cleaning up for tonight and you go shower and relax."

Taeil was shocked to say the least. Johnny rarely did any kind of household chore and now he was offering to clean up.

"Johnny I'm perfectly capable of putting away food and washing dishes. I'm not injured."

"But you are carrying my child. And as the person who got you knocked up, it is my responsibility to make sure you're comfortable and well at all times."

"But you've done a lot today and just came home an hour ago."


"Fine. But the kitchen better be spotless."

"I'll try my best."

"Thank you my love." Taeil said sweetly. He placed a kiss onto Johnny's cheek and walked away towards their bedroom.

After taking a hot shower and doing his full skin care routine, which took thirty minutes, Taeil looked at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. He pulled his shirt up slightly and put a hand on his flat stomach.

It was a little surreal that a whole person was in there. A person that he'd love with all his heart for the rest of his life. Besides Johnny of course.

Before he even realized, Taeil had tears slowly running down his face. He only noticed after Johnny asked him.

"Baby, why are you crying?"

"There's a baby in there. Our baby."

"Yeah there is." Johnny said whole wrapping his arms around his husband. He kissed the side of Taeil's neck in an effort to comfort him a bit.

"That's our baby, our little princess or prince."

Taeil smiled softly at Johnny's words, thinking of their baby of what they'd be like. He was a little bit scared for what the future would hold but as long as he had Johnny and his little one, he'd be just fine.

Maybe life wasn't so hard for Seo Taeil.

I've updated! But a day late...
I had some personal issues but they're now resolved and I'll be updating on a new schedule to avoid stress.
Thanks for being patient 😊

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