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Johnny was sitting in the hospital bed next to his husband and his newborn son staring at both of them with so much love.

"I love you so much Tae."

"I love you too." Taeil responded not looking up from bottle feeding the baby.

"Like I love you ten times more than I did yesterday. You just gave birth to my son and you were in so much pain for so long and it's like nothing to you. You're the strongest person I know."

"First of all, he is OUR son. And secondly, the reason it's nothing to me is because it doesn't matter anymore. All that pain was worth it because our little prince is here and safe. If I didn't go through all of that, we wouldn't have him." Taeil explained leaving a kiss on Johnny's lips once again.

When he looked down he saw that his baby boy was done eating and trying to weakly push the bottle away.

"My baby boy is all done? Duckie is nice and full already? My pretty boy~"

"Why'd you call him Duckie?" Johnny asked raising an eyebrow as he held his son to burp him.

"Because his onesie has ducks on it and it sounds like a name I was thinking of."

"What were you thinking?"

"Well since we already live in America, and he has an American parent, I was thinking about giving him a Korean name. Nothing too hard, but I want him to have some kind of connection to Korea. I was thinking about Hyuck for him. It's cute."

Johnny looked at his son and kissed his little chubby cheek before talking again.

"I like it, but it's your choice."

"It needs something else though..."



"His name. It should be Donghyuck Seo."

"I love it, and I love you, and I love Hyuckie."

Taeil kissed Johnny's lips then Hyuckie's cheek and wrapped his arms around them as best he could.

Now they were officially a family.

Moon Taeil,
Johnny Seo,
Donghyuck Haechan Seo


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