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Taeil was wide awake and currently occupying himself by staring at the ceiling.

Usually Donghyuck would have woken up for whatever reason at this time but it seemed like the 8 month old wanted to sleep a little longer which left poor Taeil bored and worrying about his baby boy.

Before he could finish his thought, Taeil heard the familiar sound of Hyuck whining through the baby monitor that was placed on his nightstand.

He gently got up from his spot on his and Johnny's shared bed and made his way down the hall to his son's room. He was greeted by the sight of his baby standing in his crib.

"Hi baby, did you sleep well?"

The 8 month old reached his chubby hands over the bars of his crib towards his mama and called out for him.

"Mama!" Donghyuck squealed happily before he was picked up by Taeil. Taeil hugged his baby and kissed both of his chubby cheeks with a smile.

"My Duckie is so happy today, should we wake up Daddy too baby?"

"Daddy? Go?" Donghyuck questioned his mom with curious eyes.

"Let's say good morning to Daddy."

Taeil kissed his baby one more time before making his way back to his room with Hyuck in his arms.

"Go to Daddy baby." Taeil sat down on the bed and let Hyuck crawl to where his husband was peacefully sleeping.

Donghyuck called his dad a few times but when that didn't work, he decided to slap his little hand onto Johnny's cheek until he responded.

When Johnny did open his eyes, he saw his 8 month old smiling and babbling at him and his little husband taking pictures while smiling.

"Good morning love."

Johnny felt all the tiredness leave his body after hearing his sweet tiny husband's voice. It never failed to bring a smile to his face and make his heart flutter with love.

"Morning Tae." He said while sitting up and kissing Tae's lips.

Donghyuck whined and sat in his dad's lap begging for his attention like the needy baby he was. He reached up and tried to kiss his dad's face but was unsuccessful so he whined again.

"And good morning to you too my sunshine. You want a kiss too?"

The baby nodded and he puckered his tiny lips again this time receiving a kiss from Johnny. The smile Donghyuck gave after was brighter than the sun and full of love.

"Mama and Daddy love you so much okay Hyuckie?"

Donghyuck smiled and babbled once again. Neither Johnny nor Taeil knew what he meant or if he even understood, but they were sure it was something along the lines of "I love you too".


I'm bad at writing endings 😑

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