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9 month time skip

Taeil was now 9 months pregnant. He and Johnny were going to have their baby in less than a month. It was extremely exciting but also scary as they were both still young and were becoming first time parents.

By the time Tae reached the 9 month mark, the couple already had all their little one's things prepared for their arrival. Blankets, bottles, toys, gender neutral baby clothes, pacifiers, etc. Basically everything that's been made for a newborn baby.

Taeil had been put on bed rest until the baby was born due to his small frame and to keep him from getting too tired during the day. He would lay in bed almost all day only getting up to shower or talk to his friend Taeyong.

To keep the burden of cooking off his tiny husband's mind, Johnny would make dinner for the both of them and they would eat in their room. They would watch tv and talk while eating which was something Taeil wasn't common with.

Tonight was one of those nights.

The two were currently sitting on their bed eating leftover fried rice and watching k-dramas on Netflix. It was important for them to enjoy their alone time before the baby was born. It was quiet in the room as none of the boys were talking and only the tv was making any noise.

So Johnny asked a question.


"Yes love?" Taeil tore his attention from the show and smiled at his husband.

Johnny swore his heart skipped a beat seeing the love of his life giving such a sweet glance to him.

"This is random but what do you think baby Seo is going to be?"

Taeil smiled again, melting Johnny's heart once again before answering.

"Definitely a boy. I know for sure."

"How do you know?" Johnny asked with curiosity.

"Mommy's Intuition."

Johnny couldn't hold back his smile and leaned over to smother the pregnant man with kisses. He was careful to not hit Taeil's bump and wrapped his hands around him.

"You're so cute Illie."

"Thank you love."

Taeil placed a little kiss on Johnny's lips before standing up and making his way to their bathroom.

"Where are you going?" The taller man asked in a very concerned tone.

"I'm just going to take a shower I'm tired and it's already nighttime. Don't worry." Taeil tried to reassure his husband but it was nearly impossible. All he wanted was to take a nice hot shower and go to bed.

"I'll shower with you. Just to make sure nothing happens. Please?" Johnny gave his best puppy eyes trying to convince Taeil to shower together.

"What would happen?"

"You could fall or go into labor or-"

"Go into labor? In the shower? And furthermore I'm not due for two more weeks so there's nothing to worry about." Taeil rolled his eyes and tried to walk away but Johnny caught his hand.

"I wanna make sure nothing happens to you or our little bean. Please?"

"Fine, but ONLY showering, no touching." Taeil was insistent on taking his shower with or without his husband but he was honestly too tired for sex right now.

"I promise."

15 minute time skip

The couple finished their shower which was mostly Taeil asking Johnny to help him reach certain parts and then scolding him when his hands got too busy.

After changing into their pajamas, they sat back on their bed with Taeil laying down on his side while Johnny spoke to the baby inside.

"Hi baby. I don't know if you're a boy or a girl yet but I want you to know that I love you so much regardless okay? You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Besides meeting your mom of course. Please come soon. Daddy loves you."

When Johnny moved to lay down fully, he noticed Taeil with tears in his eyes.

He didn't even need to ask, he just cuddled up to the love of his life and kissed his tears away. They stayed close to each other and Taeil fell asleep in his husband's protective but loving grasp dreaming about their little bundle of joy.

And the baby did come soon.

And it was a boy after all.

And he was perfect.

I've been inactive for a while (sorry 🥺)

I was sick for a while and I also celebrated my birthday so I wasn't very focused on this but I will be going forward.

Thanks for the love and support 💚

Baby Pudu ; Johnil Where stories live. Discover now