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"Daddy I want cookies! 'Uckie want cookie!"

"Oh my god..."

What started as a peaceful shopping trip with Hyuck, turned into a hyper 3 year old who has been begging for his cookies for over 5 minutes.

To be honest, Johnny was so close to grabbing the stupid cookies just to make his baby be quiet.

But he was the parent.

And he was in charge.

And he would be sleeping on the couch if he brought home anything Taeil said not to.

"We're not here for cookies Hyuckie. We're buying stuff for dinner."

"But hyuckie want-"

"I said no, Donghyuck." Johnny tried to ignore the sad whine that came from Donghyuck as they moved past the rows of sweets.

By the end of their grocery trip, Johnny did end up getting everything he needed but only after promising Hyuck that his daddy would buy a cookie on the way out.

And that leads to the current predicament:

Donghyuck thought that his lovely blue cookie had too much frosting for his liking and instead of putting the cookie back in the bag, he wiped it all over his white shirt.

To make matters worse, Hyuck decided that his artwork must not go unnoticed and got his dad's attention.

"Daddy look! Blue!"

"Yes baby, your cookie is blue."

"No, shirt blue."

"Your shirt is white, the co-"

Johnny was speechless. For the first time in his life, he had nothing to say. But his son was looking at him with innocent eyes and he had to remind himself again that he was the parent and he was in control.

"Hyuckie bad?" the 3 year old asked while pouting. Donghyuck was sad. And Johnny had to fix it.

"No Hyuck, not at all. We'll clean up when we get home just don't touch anything okay?"


Johnny turned his attention back to the road and continued driving home while thinking about how to hide the mess from Taeil. How did that small cookie make such a big mess anyway?

Regardless of everything else, one thing was for sure:

Johnny Seo was a dead man.


Very happy to be back 😊

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