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That all happened two years ago. Now here they were married and living in a four bedroom, high rise apartment in New York City.

Taeil originally planned to move back to Korea after graduating but he didn't have the heart to leave Johnny. So when he proposed Taeil decided to follow his dreams just in a different country.

They both had to deal with the slight post-marriage culture shock of an international couple. Taeil often got upset at Johnny for not knowing how to cook or clean properly considering he lived alone for years before meeting Taeil. Johnny would also get upset at his husband when he started yelling about being messy or simply disagreeing with him.

Another thing that hindered Taeil's new life was the lack of support from his parents. His mother and father reprimanded him constantly and demanded that he went back home after telling them about his marriage.

He wanted to go back, or at least visit but there was one big thing in the way.

He was pregnant and he hasn't even told Johnny.

He honestly didn't mean to keep it a secret. Johnny was busy enough with work and teaching his husband American customs, Taeil doubted he could handle a baby right now.

So that leads us to right now, Taeil cleaning up the large kitchen while thinking of ways to tell Johnny the news. Now don't get me wrong, Taeil was ecstatic when he found out but he also knew that he'd have to tell his parents at some point and they wanted nothing to do with him.

Life was hard for Seo Taeil.

Taeil walked out of the kitchen and put the steaming plates of pasta and chicken on the table before sitting down and waiting for his man to come home. About two minutes had passed of Taeil scrolling through his phone before the front door opened.

Taeil got up and was about to jump on his husband but he immediately got mad upon looking at him fully.

"Johnny take your shoes off on the carpet. I tell you every time you come home and you still do it." Taeil scolded looking very unimpressed with the the tall male.

Johnny looked down and realized he'd forgotten to take off his sneakers upon entering their home.

"Oh shit I'm sorry baby. I'll remember next time, I promise."

"No cursing either!" Taeil yelled from the dining room table.

He wanted his home to be a happy space with little to no negative elements and cursing was always forbidden wherever he lived so he planned to keep it that way.

"So how was your alone day? Did you do anything special?" Johnny asked sitting next to his shorter husband. Taeil was home by himself for the entire day and didn't have anywhere to be so he just lounged around the house.

"No, I stayed home. I cleaned and talked to some friends from Seoul but that's about it. What did you do with Jaehyun today?"

"We went out for lunch and he brought Taeyong with him. Then we went shopping for their new house and I stayed to watch movies with them. And then I care home to my wonderful husband who I love with all my heart." Johnny gave a sweet smile to his husband who was blushing.

"Oh my god you're so cheesy." He joked lovingly. Taeil always loved Johnny's cliche displays of affection even if they were embarrassing.

"By the way Tae, did you know that Taeyong is pregnant?"

Taeil was overcome by a feeling of happiness for his friend but extreme nervousness for what he was about to do.

"He told me and Jaehyun while we were at lunch. Jaehyun cried, it was so cute. I really want a baby of our own." Taeil teared up a little at that. His husband who didn't know he was pregnant was saying that he wanted a baby.

"Johnny I have something important to tell you."

"Mhm." Johnny mumbled happily eating the chicken that was left on his plate. He seemed so calm while his poor husband was sweating buckets next to him.



"I'm pregnant."

Note: I'm probably not gonna update for the rest of the week, only because I have some things going on personally.

I am continuing this story and I will have another chapter up by Monday.

Thank you for being patient and supporting my story. I've been working hard so it means a lot. 😁

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