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Izuku pov.

The light from one of the most giant windows in the entire house lit up my room like stadium.
I groaned loudly hissing and threw a pillow over my head. I rolled and tosseled in the bed before deciding to get up. I groaned again rubbing my eyes with the back of my hands the ears on my bunny onesie flopping in front of my face. I swing them to the back of my head then took off the hood of the onesie.

I yawned loudly and stretched my arm above my head the crack of my bones popping felt better against my skin. I took a deep breath then yelled at the top of my lungs.

"IIIIIDDDDDAAAAAAA-SANNN"I yelled I heard heavy steps instantly from the stairs The giant ass man in question came into the room. He lifted his glass off his face then swiped his hand up landing on his forehead. The exhale from caught ing his breath would make anybody shiver. The raven hair man flicked his hair and placed his glass back on.

"You know you can't scare me like that"Iida said his hands now on his hips

"I sorry but I'm Hungy.."I said then I pouted batting my eyelashes

"That doesn't work on me but I will make you breakfast get you a nice suit on then come eat. Well go through your business deals and agreements. Then at 8 pm we'll go gambling to fund your habit.

"YAY i'll be right down."I squealed hoping out the bed as soon as the door to my room was closed.

Hmm. I pondered as I walked to the walk in closet in my room.
The closet was massive I could make this a spare room if I wanted to clothes that complemented my skin tone was hung up along the dark green walls my shoes on a constant turn style. Some clothing styles berries wheeled on the back wall.

"Hmm shorts or full tux. Well i'll be doing agreements early on I do want my thighs and Ass to show to get a better deal. Pervy men disgust me. "I sighed.

I decided on a block jacket cover up a giant black now that adorned the top of the suit. The buttons layered in lines down the trench jacket in two rows. The suit a dark dusk green and the buttons a gold color. The suit came with slack shorts that laid above my knees and hugged my thighs tightly. Black bows cuffed the bottom of my shorts and the outfit was pulled together with long knee-high silk socks. Cultivated short heeled marry jane's slipped onto my feet.

I walked from the closet into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and styled my hair.

Leaving the room after grabbing my phone. I walked down the giant stair case walking past one of the living rooms in the house. I turned into the dining hall seeing my entire crew sitting at the table waiting for me to take my seat. I clicked my heels across the marble floors getting my attention from my awaiting family. I gleamed as all the rooms' gaze was upon my Hot girl presents.

I placed myself at the head on the table and now one said anything.

I giggled.


Everyone laugh and greeting me back.
Now time for a nice introduction to my crew.

My mother figure is uraraka she's a cool chick usually drives get away and is good at sharp shooting. My left hand woman I can't count on her for anything.

There's Iida he's like the dad of the family plus he's married to uraraka.He is my right hand man he does about anything needed. I probably got caught it he wasn't such a OCD person but in a sense the house is clean and he can get rid of a body in 5 mins.He's strong and can lift a lot. The dude's legs are ripped. He runs fast too.

Then There is Momo she comes up  extravagant plans and proposals for the "Family bussiness" we own a international finance company and banks across the globe. She manganes it under Iida's name but our faces have never been showed to the public unless they died 2 seconds later.The only people who seen us would be business man trying to merge companies because they are in need of money.

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