Desperate for attention

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Izuku pov

Well that shocked me I wasn't expecting him to ask like that may be he feels bad for hitting me?

No what the fuck are you think izu that man doesn't feel bad about anything. I don't care how suddenly sexy he in I refuse to have Stockholm syndrome I will not fall for this man. I still ain't had any in a long time.

He's gonna get to a point where my body acks.

The a loud sound could be heard from my stomach.

I blushed and turn back to look at katsuki.
The blonde smirked then wiped it away be fore going back to one of the bags that kiri person gave him. That name...

Kiri sounded familiar.

The blonde came back to me and placed make up over my freakles.

"What are you doing?"i asked as I pushed him back some

"Im covering up identifiable markings I'm also gonna rub this temporary black die in the green parts of your head. I don't want anyone taking my doll away. Ain't that right Teddy Bear."Katsuki said i literally stood exposed in a sweet blush.

"Teddy bear?!!"I asked

"Well yeah it suits you I guess"katsuki said after he applied eye liner to my face. He then got carried away with placing a cute blush on my cheek. Putting lip gloss on my lips be fore placing a kiss on them and reapplying it. I watched the blonde rub his lips together before putting a green eye shadow on my eye lids and under tone them with black.

"Here look at this mirror"katsuki said after having me a hand mirrior

"YOURE TOO GOOD AT THIS!"I yelled not believing I was the same person

"My mom's use to be a small time model and my dad a fashion design. They didn't last long though....anyyy way let's go to Barbie's"Katsuki said before grabbing my arm and walking out the bedroom door.

The point house was quiet as the pair left the room

"Litsen up no one comes out their room until I close the front door."Katsuki said as we continued to walk through the seemingly empty house

We traveled down a long stair well that led to a nice living room. This place has more of a home feel then my own house. Katsuki tighten his grip on arm and led me to the front door before opening it.

A pretty black and orange deluxe car stood at the end of the drive way the driver door was opened and the keys placed on the seat. The car was gorgeous and I bet this kiri person drove it up here.

 The car was gorgeous and I bet this kiri person drove it up here

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  The pair got into the car and drove to the nearest mall.

The two walked through the giant places it was not that crowded die to it being a weekday. As if on Que my stomach started to rumble again I wimpered and looked at katsuki.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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