Blacked out.

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I looked at the target with pure confusion written across my face.The target didn't seem to be in the same place it was when I first shot the gun.I never miss my mark what in the fuck?.I cocked the gun back and shot a test shot the bb came rushing out the barrel just fine.

Wait. I looked at the blonde haired man and then the target.

"That son of a bitch moved that's not fair"I said pointing my fake gun at his stupid pretty face. I raised the pistol right dead center of his forehead.

The blonde raised his hand and pushed the gun out of his face.

"A deals a deal Green bean now be a good little boy and go fetch me something to drink."The blonde said The blonde shoed all the people away and sat on a large red round couch.

"Son of a bitching bastard oh Pomeranian ass."I mumbled as I walked to the bar
Wait he didn't even tell me what he wanted to drink.
This is so stressful they moved the damn target I walked to the stairs that almost magical appeared at the end of the couch. That wasn't there before was it?Did I miss it when I came in. I followed the stairs and I already felt the drink I had earlier that day settle in the room seemed to be moving. I felt my head get dizzy I was dazed with pure confusion.

The room is the same right am I losing it? Is it the alcohol talking to me sweetly?The room is kinda being weird.

After I settled down I continued to walk the stairs and made it to the bar in it's own section no one was here which was more then odd for me. I wasn't complaining though but My stomach keep feeling as though something wasn't right.

A female that was fully pink in hair and body sat at the bar wiping a shake canister.
I titled my head as my head began to hurt.
Not the weirdest thing I seen but she's actually really pretty.I looked at the menu of drinks on the wall decided he looks like the type of person to drink dark alcohol with ice.
I hesitated deciding on just a dark burning liquid.

"Ummm hello what's your name honey"The pink girl leaned on the bar her bust was trying to break free of her white dress shirt.Her tight slacks were black and she wore a black headband.

I looked at her eyes they were yellow gold and almost hypnotic.I felt my eyes roll back for a few second I stabbled myself on the bar. I almost ate concrete.I ordered for the blonde haired man.

"Could you give me a bottle of apple crown royal with caramel scoot brandy.Also two glasses and a ice bucket."I asked then placed 4 hundred dollars on the bar and told her to keep the the change.

"Um sir would you like a drink on the house or food you don't look so good can't handle your alcohol honey"She said leaning on her hands on the bar.

"You have something sweet?"I asked as my stomach growled just at the mention of food we ate dinner but I skipped my precious cake earlier.

"I have a triple layer red velvet cheese cake cake"She said as her eyes lowered a bit shady like but I trusted the sweet smile like nothing was wrong.

Stupid izuku.

"SURE "I damn near screamed at the mention of cake

The pink girl went under the bar and opened a fridge.she placed red sugar crystals on top of the counter then the whole cheese cake cake.
I felt my mouth water and I bit my lip as she cut the cake slowly.

After cutting she sprinkled some sugar crystals on top of the cake.

I moaned in delight as I bit into the cake.

The Shake Down(bakudeku Mafia Au)Where stories live. Discover now