A dark place

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The heavy honking of obnoxious horns blazes hot trails of rubber through the city limits. The smell of drunken liquor and tail chasing drug addicts litter the streets evenly. Along with bright dissatisfied client's to shady misfits we walk upon a boy no younger then the age of 6 playing cards on a table that he needs a highchair for. The overwhelmingly smart child's slammed his tiny hand of cards on the table before him. Nodded off with a cocky snort the child's gathered the other players poker chips in his arms.

"READ EM AND WEEP YOU DIRTY OLD EXTRAS KATSUKI'S GOT HIM A NEW PAIR OF JORDAN'S"the blond child's said as he walked away from the table with his winnings.

Katsuki the name of the young child just got through with an amazing game of poker. The kid took it upon him self in order to being home money to his struggle family. The boy cashed his earnings and walked out of the place he was illegally gambling through the back door of the place.A black back pack on his shoulders as he walked home lurking through the shadows so people of any type won't see a 6 year old roaming pass curfew.

Katsuki walked through an alley corridor jumping on to the and hopingnover the large fence that's stool in the way of him and his apartment building.

The 6 year old made it to the second floor window by standing on top of the fence and grabbing ahold to the bricks of the building that had edge to them.He slid in quietly before taking off his shirt and slipping into the bed.

As soon as katsuki got in the bed the light turned on in his room.

"Damn..."The blond whispered under his cute super hero comforter his curse muffled.

"Katsuki Where the Fuck have you been?"A woman about the age of 25 due to her having her sweet child at the age of 19 the young mother slid into the bed with the child when he didn't answer her.

Katsuki heard crying and he immediately snatched the covers from his own head. He glanced at his mommy's face as the big diamond like tears dripped from her ruby red scarlet like eyes.The boy let a tsk leave his mouth as he wrapped his small hands on the side of her.

"Whats wrong?Why are you crying?"

"Dont play with me Katsuki I know where you been"The worried ash blonde mother wrapped her hands around the baby and slammed him into her chest.

"I keep telling you that you don't have to do that"

The blonde struggled against the massive flesh of his mother trying to pry away from her chest. The blonde boy blushed then snatched from embarrassment.

"But that Old man is gonna come back soon he keeps taking our money and buying what ever."

"Your'e so young katsuki."Mizuki said

The boy just scammed 10 old geezers out their own rich people money. The boy just used his own poker chips along with his own deck of cards.

"I'm gonna set up something for you to keep you occupied.I don't need my little brat going to jail so young."She said wiping her face the mother kissed the boys forehead and heard a heavy knock at the door.

Both blondes' heart's jumped if terror for the knock of the door was all to familiar.
The mother took her child's hand and reacted fast pushing him under the bed and telling him not to make a sound. The boy hid his backpack and was barely breathing as the older woman said she was coming all fake and cheerful. Knowing what hell awaits her when her no good ex husband returns to his former home.

Mizuki walked through the apartment after closing her child's door.She made it to the front door and looked out the peep hole knowing he covered it with his finger.

"I know it's you what you hiding For"she said sassy
She locked the chain on the door then unlocked the door. The man tried to barge his way in but the chain stopped him.

"What..wahat the fuck woman haaa' your scared now I see"

"Wouldnt you be scared if some one said to kill you and your kid." the blonde folded her arms

"Anyyy way sweety where's my money for this week."the man shoved his hand through the crack in the door way

"W..we don't have any "

"Then i'll just have to ask inko"

The blonde eyes widened as a look of pure terror hit her face. The green haired woman was her friend.more like a sister to her the blonde went and got her purse. Masaru broke the lock and adjusted the glasses on his face he placed his front to her back. The blonde dyes started to bust over with tears.

"D..dont touch me"She said

"But how else am I going to repay for your generous donation. How bout another kid so we each get a tax dependant, a nice baby that looks like me this time and I can move back in doesn't that sound nice."masaru licked the shell of her ear.

"No I do..dont.."

The brown haired man hit her across the face and tugged her hair back.

It went down hill as skirts and panties were ripped visiouily. A person was chocked till she was barely breathing. She was battered and abused till blood drip from between her legs she was thrown with deep heavy breath's as a thick white substance dried along with her blood. Silent tears laid in her eyes. She got to her feet eobbling as her back and Netherlands hurt. She used the wall to get off the floor.

"Scumbag..."She said softly

"What? Did you say ?"Masaru said slowly as he backed his former lover in a corner.

"SCUMBAG!YOU GREEDY BASTARD OF A SCUMBAG YOU SMELL LIKE ALCOHOL "The blonde screamed and masaru wrapped his large hand around the whole mass of her neck

The man chuckled darkly giving the woman a gental kiss to the lips.

"Here how bout I take half the rent today and leave you with the other half.

"The blonde spit in his face and pushed him off. The blonde grabbed her purse and her shoes and ran to her son's room.

She locked the door and later the floor for katsuki to get out from under the bed. The little blonde grabbed his back pack and the blonde woman gathered him some clothes as the door was being bagded upon by the brown varied man the woman pulled the queen sized bed from the wall and pushed it in front of the door.

"Leave me alone MASURU FUCK YOU DONT COME BACK"She said as her and her son jumped out the two story window

The ran to her car and got in.

The brown haired man noticed she wasn't in the child's room and heavily pushed the door as the bed his the opposite wall leave just enough to squeeze through.

The blondes were already on the free way
Mama Mizuki got her car painted.

"Mommy you're bleeding"katsuki said cooling at his mothers legs

"You don't have to worry bout mommy brat mommy will be just fine. "She said As the mother ruffled her son's spikey hair.

The blondes stayed in a motel that night as the mother looked for another house.

The mother called the police but the father of katsuki was no where to be found.

That would not be the only trials faced by a mother and her child.

So over been thinking about either re writing or just adding in.

I low key wanna make this a....

Omega verse.

Wahhhhhhhhhh I knowww I knoowww but if I start right here we just gonna role with I'm pretty sure we know roles already. I'll make a role chapter tell me what ya think.

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