Pay With Your Body

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                                 Izuku POV

I stared at the stoic blonde no emotion on his face at all.No remorse or any feeling.I know I kill and have those not feeling moments but at least I give them a proper burial.But this

This is a whole new feeling.

What is it do I feel?

  I know this awful heart turning feeling the cuffs retracted from themselves as I started to feel this strange water leak from my eyes.

No Fear.

  I haven't been scared of anything since the yakuza killed my mother.
The blonde released my head and threw me back on the bed.I yelped in pure fright as I tumbled over suddenly.Katsuki grabbed my neck within in one of his hands the whole mass covering my throat. He pinned both of my hands above my head and licked my cheek .

I glared at him through tear dose eyes my handcuffs locked together again as I tried to break the restraints.The blonde licked his lips and bit my ear.

  My breath hitches in my throat as I started to struggle.
"Don't Fucking touch me like I'm your property."I growled as him closing my legs and swinging them from under him I hooked my left leg over his back and flipped him over.

I wonder if I harm him I get shocked and if I fight him physically my hands get constricted.So if I fell noting and do it indirectly then it won't shock me.

I gave the blonde a smile.

"Fine what do you want from me money fame did I kill your mother or something what's up with this plan of your"I asked I slowed my heart rate to something just under regular and the cuffs separated

When I asked that question the blonde stunned noticeably.

The blonde then got a stomach turning smile on his face.

Then grabbed my separate hands and pulled my down onto him.

"I want to explore you"The blonde whispered husky The sound of his smooth deep voice resonated within my ears.

His voice made my body melt.

My eyes widen.The blonde switched our potions back this time he held my knees together as he straddled my waist and lifted his feet under the back of my knees.I couldn't move from the waist down.I low key started to panic.Katsuki pinned both hands within both of his.

"No"I said

"Say no all you want you don't have a choice now let's get you a bath and we'll do your hair and dress you up"Katsuki said

"You will address me as master After we dress you I'll put you on your lease and you will walk with your hands behind your back. I'll take you to the hidden doll market and we'll buy somethings for you.I'll break you myself so keep your comments to a minimum.Also don't touch your collar it will make you feel.."katsuki said but I interuppted him

"Fuck you im not your damn.."
I started but the blonde intrurpted me this time

"I'll water board you and blindfold you.I'll beat you while you're blindfolded and burn your legs with hot water. Or I can break your feet and tie you to a bed leave you in a basement and break you till you won't see anything..."Katsuki said but after he heard me Start to cry he stopped

"I....plz"I chocked back a sharp sob as tears filled to the brim of my eyes I sniffled

The blonde gave me a unreadable look.

" take a bath"Bakugou told me 
Then let me go and stomped to the door of the room.

"you deserve a far worst punishment for what you did, then the way I'm treating you.Get use to it quick or I'll have to beat it into you later"bakugou said as he walked out the door

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