ear full of hearsays.

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Its had been a week since that incident happened, I thought to gather information about people of Minarva palace, for that, I need to ask people around, I don't have any idea whom to ask about, there is a feel in my gut that this is a sensitive issue. So I need to deal with very carefully.

A day after that incident happened, I ,as usually went to training ground, I did my stuff, Garuda ji learn mi some other things about self defence . After completion of what I was learning that day, I went to garuda ji and asked him like this

" master,?!" I called him

"no need to call mi like that when you were not training here, and whats the matter?" he asked mi

Actually, I became quiet comfortable with him around, and feel safer rather than being alone. He is a great teacher and a good friend too.

" garuda ji , I want to know about some one, can you try to help mi in that" I asked him quite seriousness on my face.

" ofcourse, as long as you don't get into trouble I will let you know with in my knowledge" he said

"whom you wanna know about?" garuda ji again asked mi


" why her?" seriousness covered his face.

" ofooo....dont worry over nothing, I just wanna know about her, that's it. If don't feel like to let mi know ,just forget it, I don't mind" I said very casually

Suddenly I felt a sting of light pain in heart, but I just brushed it off and looked at him for answers "okay then, what you wanna know about her?" garuda ji said

"let mi know about what you knew" i said

" okay, saleeschala devi is very intelligent ,clever, wise whatever that is, she is a great ruler. She always sticks to her principles and never let any one damage her reputation. She never go into crooked path, and she never allowed her people to do so. She is not only clever but also beautiful " I gasp for the sudden complement on saleeschala devi and earn a glare from garuda ji " she has two brothers, she is the youngest one of them. Dwaraka is not their nativity, they (trio siblings) were young when they came here from some other neighbor kingdom, she is a born queen, because of her talent she got place in sudharama sabha , she even got higher position further. She is symbol of her righteousness " garuda ji said

" why they migrated here ,of all kingdoms in the aryavarth(India)?" Yuktha asked

" That i too don't know, but there were some rumours about that, those are, they were kicked out their kingdom. she didn't like rules in her kingdom so she left with her brothers, and there were a few bad rumors also there...she was.." garuda ji hesitate to continue further

That hesitation didn't go notice from my eyes so " I know how bad those bad rumors will be, just say it" I said with soft voice

" that ..when she was young ,she was in a relationship with a prince , but he dumped her after, at that time she was pregnant with that man's child" . That bast**d og prince rejected her." she doesn't know where to go ,she didn't have courage to face her parents so she left her kingdom " he said and sighed a breath.

" then what about her pregnancy ?" I asked him curiously

" they said that she got miss carriage and some of them say that she killed her own child" he said with a serious face

"I don't think so, no one can do that . I mean no one dares to kill their own blood that too in this dwapar yug. If I heard this story in my original timeline, may be I will think once again." I said " what about her brothers then?" I asked again

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