you are the reason for break up.

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Another day
grace was thinking about yuktha all the night. She said that she confessed her feeling to her krishna and grace was very happy of her. He always wants her happiness other anything else.

Grace is rolling in her bed left to right.
" Grace, what happened to you, you're shaking whole bed, if my daytoy fall down , I'll kick your butt" She said

" Lets go out side, I'm bored to death" He said
"Let's go then" She agreed

On the way, they saw garuda ji, he asked to accompany them but she politely rejected that offer.
They both are leisurely roaming in the streets, suddenly she saw a familiar figure in an alley.

" Grace, is she looks like dhara? " Asked grace

" What looks like? She is dhara only! But what is she doing there? " He questioned

" That I too don't know " She said

" Then lets go to her" He tried to pull her

"Are you out of mind, grace. Just let her complete her work, latter we will think about weather to ask her or not" She said

" Look there is a man behind her" Grace pointed

" Grace, lets hide somewhere " She said and they did so

Dhara and that man seems to have an argument , man grab her wrist to stop her with out going, but she release the grip, she cried, and put her Palms together like pranam(🙏) but that man hugs her and she too return the hug and she ran from there crying.

Grace didn't understand a thing, but yuktha seems to understand a bit.

" Grace go with her, make sure that she go to home" She said

" What about you? " He asked

"Actually, I also want to go with you, she needs us, I need to settle something here.. So understand mi and go" Said yuktha

" Anything for you my baby " He said and left.

The man was about to leave, but yuktha stopped him with her hand

" Pranam devi" He said

" Do you know mi? Did I know you? " She asked

" We met that day.. We bumped into each other "the man said

" Oh, sorry I forgot, I am yuktha, and you? " She asked him

" I am deva swaroopa sena" He said

" Oovv... Your name is too big, can I call you deva " She asked him

" Yeah, you can call mi as you wish, devi" He said and smiled but his eyes still have some traces of tears

" You too can call mi by my name, yuktha. I feel odd when you call mi devi" She said

" I will come straight to point, what happened between you and my dhara?, why did she cried? " She asks deva seriously.

"We fought" He said simply but his eyes become watery. That didn't go unnoticed by yuktha.

"Why? " She asks, a little bit loud

"She broke up with mi" When he said, yuktha choke on her breath.

" What? Did she love you? You both are in love? " She is shocked. That daring and dashing dhara, always wear 'don't come near mi' expressioned dhara fell for a man. This unbelievable.

" Yeah, she loved mi and loves mi and will love mi" He said with a little smile, soon that smile faded

" When this happened? " She asked

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