Red Heart blossom

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After a week, Minarva people came to Royal place including Deva swaropa sena. They are talking with krishna and his family

Bala ram, krishna, pradhyumn, and remaining family members are present in a Hall. Yuktha was called to go there.

Taara, dhara are tensed a little but grace is somewhat happy coz he knows everything. Yuktha told him.

When yuktha went in she was stunned to see the huge crowd, she felt her legs are little shakey, a unknown fear rose in her heart to go in.

She bowed to all members in the Hall and they noded, " The reason of this gathering? " Yuktha asked, so Soundlessly

"We are here to officially declare that we want to adopt you"  Ahi sena said.

"Aah.. That.... I " She wants to say something

"It's okay, we already agree" Saleeschala said smiling.

Yuktha look at Deva with a questioning look like 'is this for real? ', Deva give her a bright smile like 'yes, yes. This is real! '

We can guess how happy he is.

The trio siblings stands up and said with utmost respect "Maharaja, since yuktha is living here, we want to take your permission to adopt her" Saleeschala said

"We agree, we are okay with adoption" Royal Palace people said.

"You have to take care of her" Bala ram ji said with smiling serious face

"We will." Yuvan simha said. He very happy more than anyone.

" Are you okay, sakhi? " Krishna asked when he saw yuktha face is getting pale.

"I am okay, but I have another condition.. I mean it's a request" She said almost with a cry face.

"Any thing we can do for you" Yuvan said

" I'm really very happy that I will have a new family from now on but... But I don't wanna leave Royal Palace. I love this people, they really cares mi alot. " Yuktha said, rims of her eyes are red.

" Let mi live here too" Her voice is like begging. Yeah, how can she live with out krishna. Her heart will stop immediately.

" That's not at all a problem! " They laughed

" We already talk about this that you can live here and there too" Bala ram ji said.

Yuktha just went to him in two long steps and hug him tight. " Thank you" She wispher

" Hey, sakhi, don't cry, you are such a cry baby " He laugh

Yuktha pout and said " I am not crying, it's just my eyes are sweating" She said, laughters rang in the room..

Yuktha spending more time with Krishna, she connected with him mentally.

They a day to adopt yuktha that fixed is 2 weeks after from this Friday.

Yuktha is happiest girl of all. She will have a family , she won't be an orphan anymore. People love her as she love them.

Her days are passing like clouds.. One day yuktha went to back mountain with grace taara and dhara.

" Babe where are we going? " Grace mindlink her mean while taara too ask same question

"Yuktha where are we going? " Taara was excited

"Just roaming here and there is boring, I thought exploring back mountains will be fun so here we're" Yuktha said and shrugged

"So we are fooling around" Dhara mock

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