heroic stunt

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Hai... Buddies... Here a new chap for u..


Grace is pushing mi to go for outing. I'm really regretting what I said before. As usual I tell Tara and dhara that I'm going out. For my surprise, they aren't coming with mi but Mr. Eagle is. I asked him to take us to fish market. There I buy some fishes for grace. Actually I don't know ancient coin system. So Mr. Eagle helps mi. And then we went to some random shop, my luck, that's a sweet shop. I ordered rasmali* for us. Grace is eating fish who knows where.

I'm sincerely eating, I heard a crying. I look around but I didn't find the owner of that cry. I resume eating. I again hear that sound. From a far I saw a kid crying. I stand from my place and immediately stopped by Mr. Garuda. I told him what I saw. We both went there and saw a group of boys are bullying a small kid. My blood boiled after seeing that scene. I immediately pick up that kid from groud, and about to leave mean while something spoke.

"Hey!! Who are you? " A guy speak to mi

" Can't you see, I'm a human being too" I replied " Now move away " I ordered

" Put that kid here and Leave now" Another guy spoke

" I don't wanna leave a small kid with animals , it's very dangerous " I raise my voice, trun around to walk away. They block my path.

" Who do think you are? Leave him here" One guy pointed at kid

" Who do you think I am? And leaving him with you... Dream on!. " I reverted back, one hand on my hip

" Youuuuuvvvv" Someone shout and tried to take that small kid in my hands
They provoke my bad side. Here comes Miss. Dragon for you, you dumbass teens, nasty umbrella brats, friking useless bunch..

I put kiddo on the ground and took that man's wrist in my arms tightly, push him back and turn his hand at his back and slap him on his face. Hahaha... He was shocked for my actions. He widened his eyes , they will pop out from its sacks. Those are 5 to 6  people.. And I can't let them harm mi or anyone.

" Kiddoo... Take that stick" I ordered that kid when I saw some sticks bundle.

"akkaya*, here take this" he gave what I asked for. such a cute boy. Then I beat them on their asses. I bet they become beetroot red. 2 sticks were broke. A whole group of people witness this incident. I again take another stick from bundles some one interpreted mi. Mr. Garuda.
" Leave them, if you do this again, they will faint. " He said and I nod

" I guess you know what I'm. If I saw you are bullying again, you will see my original character. " I warn them and I turn around to talk to garuda ji

"Mr.Eagle, I hope you know what to do next. I wana meet higher authority of this Village. " I said.

" Who? The head of the village? Hahahah" One of them shout

" What do you mean? " I asked while massaging space between my two eyebrows. Actually I'm controlling my anger and supress the urge to beat them again.

"He doesn't have time to see his village. And our purposes and needs" He said but sadness  rise in his voice. But I get it what he mean. So I change my plan.

I told Mr. Garuda to take these guys with him. I will think latter what to do with them. I tell grace with mind link that I'm going home. And that kid... I take him With mi to the sweet shop and asked him

" Kiddo... What's your name, where are you from? Why they are bullying you? " I asked that boy.

" Rajan.
I said no to their order. " Boy said

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