playing game

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"Please maharaja.. I can't bare that punishment. I will do as you wish" She said

"'Good girl, let's play" He said, brightly smiled.
Yuktha is in awe...

" Okay " She smiled too...

" If you win, there will be a surprise for you" He said

" What if I lose" She asked Krishna doubtly.

"Nothing,I will just cancel your permission" He said that to tease her.

Actually that's a relief to yuktha because she thought that Krishna will send her away from him.

" That's okay with mi." She sighed in her brain and said words out.

Rules of dice game:-

➊. To enter a token into play from its yard to its starting square, a player must roll a 6
➋. If first two rolls are six ,player get another chance,the third roll is also a 6, the player may not move and the turn immediately passes to the next player.
➌. Killing tokens compulsory.
➍. If player roll 1,5,6,12,he can get another chance to roll again.

In this they played with pachikalu*. There are 2 rectangular bars. Each bar contains numbers 1,2,3 and 4th side is blank. If 2 bars roll blank space at once it will taken as 12.

After first two rounds yuktha roll 6 so that one of her tokens enters play. Lord krishna didn't enter the play yet, after a good while he also roll 6. They really are playing competitively. They both didn't give chance to another to kill their tokens.

With out killing tokens one can't enter the home place. Yuktha is waiting for the chance
If she roll 4 , she will have the chance to kill Lord krishna's token

" Please, show 4," She said and roll, it shows 5. She has another chance, she again roll which shows 1,she again roll pachikalu, at last it shows 3.

" Yeaaaaa.... I killed your token" She said and move her token to 1,3.

" Don't be happy, you still have your tokens on the board" Krishna said

" I know, I know " She shake her head.

After a few exchanges Lord Krishna killed her token with single.

" Your Majesty, this is not fair, my token is near home, you killed it" She said wienied and pouted.

"Rule is rule, rules for all" He said.

"Hmph,.. " All she said was this word.

They played and played. Just only one token remains for both. Yuktha need 2 to win and Lord krishna need 6 to win.

" Aahe.. Why didn't this roll 2" She is curse dice.

" Be patience " Krishna said

She roller one and he rolled five, both need one to show on dice. Now it's Lord knows Krishna's chance to play,he role bigger number. Yuktha take both dice and rub between her palms before roll. She roll with a little force so that one of the dice fell on the floor. One dice had blank space, another one have one dot on it . It means she roll one. She won

" Its one. The dice rolled one. " She said

" I lost to you" Krishna said smiling😸

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